Codex Chapter Squad Mode Abilities

By afterimagedan, in Deathwatch Rules Questions

I am confused about this. Do Codex Chapters (from Honour the Chapter) not have squad mode abilities? They get "The Eyes of Fate" as a solo mode ability but there aren't squad modes listed for them.

I have no idea if there is an official ruling on that matter as it confused me too. One option is to pick an attack and defense pattern as in the chapter creation tables in Rites of Battle. But it could be that the designers intended that codex chapters rely solely on codex squad mode patterns. It would be nice if that was clarified though.

Agreed. Either way, your idea fits perfectly. I'll go with it!

Has anyone found out why Codex Chapters don't get squad mode abilities? There is very little reason to play a Codex Chapter when a player can make up their own chapter and get everything that the non-Codex chapters get. I don't see anything from the Codex Chapters that is so great that the loss of squad mode abilities equals it out. They have in game fluff, but nothing really us but a bonus Solo Mode.

~ alemander

Since these "codex chapters" are described as lacking the close ties to their primarch, and many are carving out their own path or place, its entirely believable that chapter has not developed a chapter specific squad mode yet, or are too bland to be of any specific proclivaties, and the basic codex modes are appropriate.

If this is still too much for you, you and your GM can always take a look at the creation rules in Rights of Battle. I seem to remember (especially since I just looked it up) there being some Squad Mode ability options in there.

herichimo said:

Since these "codex chapters" are described as lacking the close ties to their primarch, and many are carving out their own path or place, its entirely believable that chapter has not developed a chapter specific squad mode yet, or are too bland to be of any specific proclivaties, and the basic codex modes are appropriate.

If this is still too much for you, you and your GM can always take a look at the creation rules in Rights of Battle. I seem to remember (especially since I just looked it up) there being some Squad Mode ability options in there.

Yeah, there is a Attack Mode chart and Defense Mode chart in Rites of Battle under Chapter Creation. That will work.

~ alemander