Really like the write ups as a whole, and they're in line (mostly) with what I would use, so I'll likely use it whole cloth. The one exception that I have issue with is the Verpine. In lore they're renowned as techs (at least on par with the Sluissi), but instead of getting an ability like the Sluissi, they get something on their eyesight (which, to be fair, is something they can do well). I'm not sure if this was to keep them different from the Sluissi or not, and while I certainly wouldn't want to go back to the D6 days where they were pretty much super broken, I think that something different is called for. Also, maybe something about the fact that they use radio frequencies to communicate.
Not sure what I'd do here, but I'd love to hear your thought process into why you chose what you did with them.