Donovan Morningfire said:
Baby Wookiee!
Donovan Morningfire said:
Baby Wookiee!
Cyril said:
Donovan Morningfire said:
Baby Wookiee!
Donovan Morningfire said:
Kallabecca said:
Ewoks weren't known about at this time in the universe as they don't get off their world until after RotJ.
Not entirely true.
Endor didn't just appear out of a vacuum in regards to galactic history. True, it didn't reach any great prominence until after the Battle of Endor, but it did crop up during the Clone Wars and even earlier, and any "out of the way" planet makes for a possible safe-haven for smugglers and outlaws trying to evade the law. So there's plenty of chances for Ewoks to have escaped off-planet to venture out into the galaxy at large. And with Ewoks being primitive fuzzballs, trying to get them to explain where they came from in terms of galactic coordinates is probably on par with trying to get your average housecat to dance the Charleston on command. And given the wide diversity of species in the Star Wars 'verse, a walking teddy bear isn't going to draw all that much attention, and might just be written off a sight of brief and mild curiosity under most circumstances.
Egads… other than the adventures on Endor movies from the 80s, I hadn't realized that other parts of the EU had gone back and mucked around more with Endor… Especially since there are so many other worlds to explore in the EU… why keep rehashing the same dozen or so…
Donovan Morningfire said:
Cyril said:
Donovan Morningfire said:
Baby Wookiee!
Egads… The cuteness… it.. it… it… (o,o)… can't stop watching…
Kallabecca said:
Donovan Morningfire said:
Cyril said:
Donovan Morningfire said:
Baby Wookiee!
Egads… The cuteness… it.. it… it… (o,o)… can't stop watching…
Any chance we can get this post stickied? It is a good reference, hate for it to fall to the lower pages.
This thread deserves a bumb since it is a really good fan-made supplement. I would not be suprised if I saw a majority of these species in the final product.
Well, instead of just a random bump, how about a well-deserved and informational one?
Cyril and I have been pretty hard at work on coming up with a bunch of new species for the updated version, as well as correcting a number of minor typos and tweaking a few of the previously created species.
As it stands, we're looking at about 50 species when things are all said and done, and we're hoping to have this set and ready to roll by the end of the month.
I'm working on my final four as I type this. Expect to see some fan favorites get some love in this "special edition" of the Unofficial Species Menagerie. We've expanded our original scope from "the classic era" and into the future and the past.
Just a heads-up, but the link to the PDF in the GSA article has been intentionally restricted, and will likely be disabled as well.
However, stay tuned as there should be some further news about this fan-created supplement in the very near future…
Alright Boils and Ghouls, fiends of all ages, just in time for Halloween, it's…
The Revised & Expanded Unofficial Species Menagerie
Highlights include the correction of several errors, such as some species having 3's in more than on Characteristic, and 20 new species (bringing the total headcount to 52), including several fan requests from eras well outside the Rebellion Era.
While comments and feedback are welcome, either here or at the GSA website itself, I do ask that respect be given the particular authors in regards to their work, with the understanding that they chose to write-up certain species a certain way.
Hey Donovan,
would you be interested in ideas for some additional species? The Talz, Blood Carver, Elomin, Felucian, Iktotchi, Kaminoan, Kushiban, Miraluka, Ranat, Trianii, Ubese, and or Umbaran are all species that tickle my fancy, and I'd be willing to throw some ideas at you, do the leg work.
PM or reply if any of those sound interesting.
Oh… and good work. I like and very much agree with most all of them. Not that my disagreement matters, more an aspect of taste I think than any true mechanical issue.
Bottom line, much appreciated.
Majesticmoose said:
Hey Donovan,
would you be interested in ideas for some additional species? The Talz, Blood Carver, Elomin, Felucian, Iktotchi, Kaminoan, Kushiban, Miraluka, Ranat, Trianii, Ubese, and or Umbaran are all species that tickle my fancy, and I'd be willing to throw some ideas at you, do the leg work.
PM or reply if any of those sound interesting.
Not speaking for Dono, but I don't know that we have plans to expand the guide anymore at the moment. This isn't to say that when the official book is released we may look at it again.
But of course I'd love to see your ideas on the boards.
Yeah, I'm pretty satisfied with the number of species we've covered, and probably won't be doing any revisions until after the final version of EotE hits shelves. Besides, my intent was never to try and do conversions for every single species presented.
However, though it might be buried back a few pages, there is a thread for folks to post up their own takes on different species, so you may want to consider posting your own versions tehre.
Majesticmoose said:
Oh… and good work. I like and very much agree with most all of them. Not that my disagreement matters, more an aspect of taste I think than any true mechanical issue.
Bottom line, much appreciated.
Thanks. Though I am curious what the bits you disagree with are. Not everyone is going to have the same vision for how a species should play out, and I generally tried to err on the side of caution in a lot of cases.
Thanks for your fantastic work on this. My group is using at least two of the species and I am anxious to check out the changes. However, I am unable to access the link. Can you share the new link or grant me access?
Aside from the already existing (and settled) disagreement about one of the species, I like this supplement very much. At the moment though I'm making my players stay with the EotE species, but when/if someone dies or decides to retire their character, I'll let them have a look-see through this document.
Some observations and questions I do have:
I do wonder about the Chiss , at first glance I feel its a tad over-powered, but after giving it some thought it seems good - I'll just see through play-test at some point I guess.
I do also wonder about the "grant career skill" solution - is this a good mechanic for use in this system? I'm in doubt, but I won't assume anything until tested - the price difference is back to normal, which isn't much, therefore the difference isn't that important anymore/once more.
I do miss the gambling "addiction" of the Herglic , but that could easily be more party to role playing than stat wise build.
About the Gran: I wonder about the incidental for aim - basically it costs an (or two - which is no difference really) incidental to gain two boost dice?
I really like the Clawdite write-up! Very good mechanics solution.
Barabel: They basically have 2 higher soak when it comes to stun? Nice!
Arkanian Offshoot: I like it, I assume that the WT of 8 + brawn legitimates the 110 starting xp - I did twitch slightly, but I do see the big drawback this is.
Arkanian: The Lore bonus I do like, although I wonder how usable it is - its not the knowledge skill I feel is being used the most - nor the most useful. Not that this is a good argument for changing it. I did wonder if perhaps a more "common" knowledge - like education (if thats what its called) - would make more sense, but I'm not going to press this point.
I like the Neimoidian solution, Nikto as well. Ryn might become a favourite in my group.
Sluissi: This manoeuvre cost is basically for use in structured play - ie when rounds are in use - otherwise they always gain an upgrade on mechanics?
Those are my questions/observations of this revised and expanded edition.
dingwog said:
Thanks for your fantastic work on this. My group is using at least two of the species and I am anxious to check out the changes. However, I am unable to access the link. Can you share the new link or grant me access?
The link to the new file should be accessible through the GSA website article that I linked a few posts above, down at the bottom of the article's page.
Jegergryte said:
Aside from the already existing (and settled) disagreement about one of the species, I like this supplement very much. At the moment though I'm making my players stay with the EotE species, but when/if someone dies or decides to retire their character, I'll let them have a look-see through this document.
Some observations and questions I do have:
I do wonder about the Chiss , at first glance I feel its a tad over-powered, but after giving it some thought it seems good - I'll just see through play-test at some point I guess.
I do also wonder about the "grant career skill" solution - is this a good mechanic for use in this system? I'm in doubt, but I won't assume anything until tested - the price difference is back to normal, which isn't much, therefore the difference isn't that important anymore/once more.
I do miss the gambling "addiction" of the Herglic , but that could easily be more party to role playing than stat wise build.
About the Gran: I wonder about the incidental for aim - basically it costs an (or two - which is no difference really) incidental to gain two boost dice?
I really like the Clawdite write-up! Very good mechanics solution.
Barabel: They basically have 2 higher soak when it comes to stun? Nice!
Arkanian Offshoot: I like it, I assume that the WT of 8 + brawn legitimates the 110 starting xp - I did twitch slightly, but I do see the big drawback this is.
Arkanian: The Lore bonus I do like, although I wonder how usable it is - its not the knowledge skill I feel is being used the most - nor the most useful. Not that this is a good argument for changing it. I did wonder if perhaps a more "common" knowledge - like education (if thats what its called) - would make more sense, but I'm not going to press this point.
I like the Neimoidian solution, Nikto as well. Ryn might become a favourite in my group.
Sluissi: This manoeuvre cost is basically for use in structured play - ie when rounds are in use - otherwise they always gain an upgrade on mechanics?
Those are my questions/observations of this revised and expanded edition.
The Gran can get the benefit of one Aim maneuver as an incidental once per encounter. If they want to get the second boost die, they will need to spend a maneuver to aim. Basically, they can get two maneuver's worth of aiming without having to spend the strain to get the second maneuver once an encounter.
I'm glad you like the Clawdite. I struggled a bit with how to work their shapeshifting ability into the existing mechanics, and finally hit on this as a solution. Glad it reads well. Also glad you enjoy the Neimoidian and Ryn.
That's a fair point on the Sluissi. I would handle this ability in "narrative play" as the Sluissi taking more time to perform the check to get the upgrade. Or maybe he can't spend advantage to speed up the repairs. Something that would inform that he is taking his sweet time with the check to get the best possible result.
Thanks for the feedback, and If you don't mind, I'll tackle your questions about some of these one by one.
These were a bit tricky, as I didn't want them being totally sub-par to other species. They've got the same starting XP, but the lack of choice in bonus skills that Humans get makes up for the minor boost to Brawn & Willpower I think.
At best, it'd cost you an incidental and a manuever to get the two boost dice, rather than the two maneuvers it'd normally take. It may not be 100% clear, but the way I read it (and Cyril, feel free to correct me if I'm off base) is that the player triggers Swift Aim and then spends an incidental action to get the benefit of Aim. They can't spend two incidentals (which is what it sounds like you're suggesting), since that would require activating Swift Aim twice in the same encounter.
In an earlier draft, I gave them Enduring to reflect their armored hide, but changed it as per Cyril's suggestions to an increased Wound Threshold and settled on the Stun Resistance, making they very tough, but also skirting the concern of them being too tough against all attacks.
Arkanian Offshoot
You'd be correct, since it puts them at a significant drawback, and as nice as the free boost die can be, that and the two bonus ranks in career skills (which is a good deal more limited than the Human skill rank bonus) didn't quite feel like it was enough.
This one I had a lot of internal debates on, and an earlier version simply give them a boost die on all Knowledge checks, which was ultimately decided to be a bit too good and too broad, especially as they've got a base pool of 3 Ability Dice in any Knowledge skill to start with. Education was a consideration, but I felt Lore was the better choice because it's broader nature than just academia.
That'd be my assumption as well, as from talking with Cyril about them, the species does have a reputation of "it might take a while, but you're going to get quality results." So as written, if not in structured play, then they would always get the upgrade, though a GM could say that said task takes a bit longer than normal to reflect the extra time the Sluissi spends on the task. Or as Cyril suggested, they simply can't speed up the task. Either way, it'd be something to keep in mind if/when we go back and do any revisions to the document.
As for the Noghri (the species previously under contention), I'm hoping the clarification of Scent (in short, ignore any and all level of Concealment within a certain distance) would have been sufficient. Making them any better would, in my opinion, require a hit on their starting XP, and 90 XP really is about as low as they should go barring some truly extraordinary circumstances. But ultimately, agree to disagree.
Regarding the "grant career skill" option, I really don't think it's a good fit for this system, especially with non-career skills being all that more expensive in this game as of the latest update. It worked for Saga Edition due to the way the skill system worked (if you didn't have levels in the right class, you couldn't ever be trained in that skill), but with EotE being a great deal more open, such a thing isn't really needed, or at least I don't think so.
Edit: Looks like I got a bit long-winded and Cyril beat to the punch on Gran
Donovan Morningfire said:
Edit: Looks like I got a bit long-winded and Cyril beat to the punch on Gran
Strike first, strike hard, no mercy.
Thanks for the replies guys. Appreciated.
Chiss: I can see your reasoning - at first glance it just looked powerful, but I agree with your stance.
Gran: I must have overlooked the "once per encounter" - thanks for the clarification.
Arkanian: Yeah. I guess I just have an issue with that skill at the moment, should probably read over it again.
Sluissi: Heavy price to pay for an upgrade, but makes sense with their reputation for taking their time yeah. Particularly useful during structured play - even if one decides to not let them speed up due to advantages/successes - or a kinder solution up that price … so they can to it faster, it just requires a better roll. Either way its got a nice flavour to it.
Noghri: I didn't notice the changes there, I basically looked at the others - due to our agreement to disagree
I didn't expect any changes to it. I do - now after looking at the changes - really like them a lot! Better, even if scent is more limited than earlier, its very useful.
I said it before. I'm disappointed at the lack of Arcona. I know you had to pick and choose, but, I want my salt addled Arcona!
Good job though.
Donovan Morningfire said:
Thanks. Though I am curious what the bits you disagree with are. Not everyone is going to have the same vision for how a species should play out, and I generally tried to err on the side of caution in a lot of cases.
And just to be clear, I'm not "right" about any of this.
Cathar: Granted, this is an outgrowth of Saga, but one thing that set Cathar apart from other races were their base speed. They were the only medium race to have a base speed of 8 rather than 6. Given that, i would like to see a racial ability that reduces the manuever cost of getting from medium to long range (and visa versa). I'm not sure if and how that would affect the game overall (except to make melee based cathar a touch better) but i think it would add a nice flavor, especially if no other species had the same ability.
Cerean: I would have expected a intelect 3/agility 1, but I like the boost die to cool/vigilance, and am not really disappointed by the more mundane stat spread.
Zabrak: I would, I think, Have given them a bonus stat point to brawn, agility, or willpower. Reduce the xp of course, but I always saw zabrak as being more "powerful" than humans in a narrower band of expertise.
Ithorians: I feel like the 11+ brawn wound threshold is too much, 10+brawn is better I think.
Gungans: One thing I liked about the OCR d20 starwars rules on gungans (at least I think it was OCR) was that they had a bonus con. I think they should begin with a higher wound threshold, and a lower strain threshold. 12/9 IMO.
Gamoreans: Throw them a bone. Low Xp, and less powerful stats than the togorian (wound threshold of only 12 not 14). Viscious is a good quality, but I don't think it's worth essentially two purchases of toughened. Most people especially won't care about this, but gamoreans get a bad rap as space orcs, and I think they can be interesting. To be clear, i don't think making the a togorian copy is good either. Maybe give them a bosot die to resiliance to reflect their endurance. Dunno. but i think they need a boost, or 100xp.
Farghul: their tails are known to be partially prehnsile. it'd be nice to include that. Not enough to wield a weapon, but enought to grab something from the pack as a incidental maybe?
These are all minor quibblings for the most part, and I don't want them to detract from teh fact i think you guys dd a great job. really quite nice.
And I tend to be a little … less conservative in my design, so i understand where you may be coming from. especially since this is a beta, and not even the full fledged game.
I'll check for that thread and maybe post a few ideas for my above choices. Gotta have kushiban, or it just doesn't feel like star wars to me.
Majesticmoose said:
Fair enough, but I'll respond with my rationale where I can, though most of these are Cyril's designs.
For Cathar, the movement thing didn't make any sense as EotE isn't a tactical game, so I just simply discarded it. Not really sure they need any kind of movement enhancer, since as you said, it really just benefits a melee fighter.
On Zabraks, they've never been noted as being inherently superior to any of those traits, and given the way species in EotE are designed, you don't get a 3 in one Characteristic without having a 1 in something else, and Zabraks aren't noted as being inherently deficient in anything. I thnk the increase to starting Wound and Strain Threshold address the Zabrak traits of being "more enduring physically & mentally" than the average Human.
For the Farghul, I debated that adding the whole prehensile tail, but ultimately felt it wasn't really needed. If you do want them to have it, just slap on the version the Ryn have and call it a day.
As for designing these species, even when doing official work for Saga Edition, it was a tight-rope between "too good" and "too weaksauce." How close or how far I got to the mark on the species I developed can vary from one player to the next. But as you said, EotE is still "in beta" and so the versions we have of the core species now may wind up getting radical changes when the final product comes out at whatever point it does next year.