Looking for South Bay, East Bay or SanFrancisco based Players

By Raging Piglet, in X-Wing Organized Play


As the header says, looking for opponents.

Best regards,


I'm in Pleasant Hill/Concord, where do you play?

I'm in San Mateo. I do most of my gaming at Endgame in Oakland though.

Sweet, right near BART. Do you have a regular night you go down there, or what?

well i'm there most tuesday nights for the bloodbowl league. i'm not sure what days they're trying to set up for x-wing open play but will check tonight. i'm also looking into organizing a tournament on a saturday in the future (hopefully early november).

I'm in Palo Alto, so I might be able to make it up there if you set something up.

don't know the exact details yet but apparently they're going to begin running some events starting in october. i'll post back when i hear more

ok, latest word is that there's something tentatively scheduled for 10/6