Damaging out-of-range miniatures

By Tarus, in Dust Warfare Rules Discussion

Ok, here's another one:

First, according to the rules if an attacking miniature hasn't range to at least one enemy miniature it doesn't contribute to the attack. When assigning damage the player must remove the miniatures in plain sight (not obscured), then the obscured ones… and then what? If none of the attackers has range to a given miniature (obscured or not) can it be assigned damage? Apparently, in the rules nothing forbids it, but it's quite strange that no attacker has range to THAT miniature but it can be damaged anyway.

Is that correct?

Yes that is correct with the current rules… as long as you have range to someone in the unit you can assign the dmg to anyone in LoS regardless of range. I kind of wish they would FAQ this so you can only wound folks in range as well as LOS.

While the current rule is slightly odd, it works. If this was changed it would slow down play by adding more measuring and back and forth about who is in range of who.

Hmm… ok, we'll play with the rules as written but, as you all say, it's a bit odd.

Thank you!

Odd like in "When I throw grenades into a tiny building with 3 enemy units crammed into it, I can only hit the exact 5 soldiers of one of the units"-odd?

At least in that case they are within range of the weapon… lengua.gif

I'd say it's more odd that a bullet only travels for ~50 meters and then stops dead in the air. gui%C3%B1o.gif

I know what you're saying but it does speed up gameplay a lot and I think it's very liberating.