Excel Character Builder

By Bren_Waynero, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beta

I have been working on an Excel sheet to create characters. There is more to be done, which I will continue to work on. But now that it's working fairly well, I thought I'd share it. So here you go…


I also made an Excel sheet for dice rolling. You decide how many of each die to roll, up to 12 of each. It shows each die's result, as well as a calculated total of the final results. For those interested in it…


I hope you find them useful, and I will make updates available as I make more improvements.

May the Force be with you.

Testing it out now. Everything working great. I'ved used a few of the Excel Char Builders/Sheet before for other games.

Okay. Some more feedback.

1) I'd like you to use the dropdowns/list for Yes/No (or True/False) for "Equiped?" and "Carried?" columns. I entered "TRUE" and it seems to modify the encumbrance values, so I was right with what needed to be entered.

2) Also, my friend ran into a problem with the skills page. See screenshot here . My skills showed the correct total in the left column which at initial char gen time would be either 0, 1, or 2. However, the column on his spreadsheet listed what appears to be his characteristics/ability scores. I don't know how that happened.

3) I'd also like to see the "Cost Rarity ENC" column headers repeated for Weapons, Misc Gear sections. I kept having to scroll up/down to figure out which column was what for the different sections.

4) Add column headers for weapons for range, damage, crit, etc. I know it's listed, but I think you could save some space by saying "Skill" as header and listing "Ranged (Lgt)" as cell value rather than stating "Skill: Ranged (Lgt)". This seems to take up more space when you have multiple weapons, but I think it would help compact space and make it more readable by using column headers and just putting the value (like "Damage" as header and "5" as value).

5) Species tab. I'd recommend moving the bonus stuff to under the Characteristics. Looks fine if you have super-wide monitor, but it would probably be easier to read/find, if it was under the ability scores. Also "New Stats" should probably read "Characteristics" or "Abilities" rather than stats.

6) I don't think the Extra Obligation is working correctly.

Select "+5", then pick "1000 credits", then change Extra Obligation back to Default and it stays at +1000 without paying the +5 for extra. Shouldn't that get reset back to nothing? Also, rather than saying "Default", maybe you should say "No extra obligation" so it's more clear.

I just looked at the die roller and I'm impressed. The fact that it does all the adding and subtracting of results is awesome! Great Job!

For some reason, it allows me only 3 Career skills and and 1 Specialization skill (won't let me pick a 4th and 2nd, respectively). I'm trying to create a human and chose the Explorer-Scout specialization with Force Sensitive Exile specialization purchased.

I have Excel 2003 and I think it is updated with the bits to make newer sheets work. Any idea why I can't the dice roller working?

On Char Sheet pg 1, "Underwold" should be Underworld

Great feedback. Thank you.

Let's see if I can address some issues.

James… 1) I set it up initially that any value in the box counted as a yes, I tend to just mark things with an "x". But the dropdown sounds like a good idea. I will add the Yes/No option, but I will probably also add a blank space that will be the same as No to the dropdown.

2) That is something I haven't seen. My first guess is he may have had "spaces" in the purchased boxes. Again, any value would add to the count. If he was clearing boxes with the spacebar rather than actually deleteing them, it would cause problems. Do you know what a career/spec/species combo he had? I would like to try duplicating it to see if I have a formula error somewhere.

3) I should be able to get the headers on each section. Your right, it would be easier to track what's what on the lower part of the screen that way.

4) Another good idea that should be easily fixed.

5) I'd like to keep the bonus choice options close to where the bonus skill for the species is listed, that being said, with all the space available in the vertical directions, I should be able to adjust the layout in some fashion that will help resolve the width issue.

6) That is one of the issues I need to work on, and it carries throughout the sheet. When you change anything on the earlier tabs, what was already selected elsewhere based on the initial selection still remains. I haven't found an easy way to fix that. And I will change the dropdown to 'Default'.

Second post: Underworld… understood. :)

Away… I know there is an issue when picking your 4th and 2nd skills. I have tried a few fixes that didn't work as intended. But for now, when you get the pop-up, click 'retry' and then try clicking into a different box without deleting your 4th/2nd entry. Usually that works, unless you deleted a previous entry using the spacebar. As I said above, spaces are still counted as an entry. Deleting is the only way to 'unselect' an existing choice.

Darkrose… I have added an excel 2003 copy… here It looks like it still works, but let me know if it works for you. Thanks.

Thanks again for your input. I will work on these changes and other additions as I can.


#2. He was working on a human, Hired Gun/Bodyguard. Stated with 3s for Agility and Presense (I think).

For the problem #2, he discovered that it was something specific to his computer. He opened the MS Excel spreadsheet on his brothers PC and it worked fine. I'll try and get the computer spec's of his system. When he opened the spreadsheet on his computer, the Skill Ranks columns defaulted to "2" instead of "0" (before any edits made) and my character's sheet said I was -15XP (but it works perfect on my computer and his brothers computer).

Character builder updated. Added the week 3 beta update info to the weapons tables so they should be current. Made the layout changes to allow a better fit on smaller screens. Only available talents are visible and selectable. Starting to track weapon qualities, cumbersome and vicious are in, others still to come. Obligation bonuses will no longer be credited if you remove or reduce the extra obligation penalty.

Here's the newest version: SWEotECharSheet_0.3

Test away, find those errors and suggestions to make it better. Thanks.


More upgrades and fixes here: SWEotE_CharSheet_0.31

Notable additions: Added Force Powers. Updated weapons tables to reflect Beta Update 3. Gand Sub-Species choices now availabe. Droids cannot take Force Sensitive Exile specialization. Fixed calculation errors on armor benefits to Defense and Soak.

Encumbrance for the bola/net is incorrect, putting it in as 1/3 means that having over 5 gives an encumberance level of over 200,000. You need to change the numbers to 0.33333. I am loving the character builder though, I find it a lot easier to read than the official and 'prettier' character sheets.

Good catch. Looking at it again, I think their intention is that a Bola is ENC 1, and a net is ENC 3, not each of them being a fraction of an value. So I will seperate them into two unique items. Though I wouldn't buy the higher ENC net for the same results as a bola provides. Maybe they should alter the effects, perhaps adding the ENC value to a captured target, creating the possibility of penalties due to ENC for someone captured in a net. Hmm…

Thanks for the help.

Just downloaded the Excel Program and some initial thoughts.

Obligations: In the character creation rules, we have the option to go for an additional 5 or 10 points of obligation. Why not have it be a checked off option for the two (with it being necessary for the 5 Point Obligation to be checked off before the 10 point Obligation), then a drop down for each?

Actually, since you need to take the +5 Obligation first, just add a +15 Obligation option and have it be an option between the following

+15 Experience
+10 Experience and +1000 Creds
+5 Experience and +2500 Creds
+3500 Creds

What do you think?

Human species gain access to 2 non-careeer/non-specialization skills. However, the Excel sheet doesn't allow me put th extra point in either career or specialization and tries to charge me for the rank. I don't know how would this be changed.

Regarding Obligation…

As I understand it, you start with your initial obligation. You may then increase your obligation magnitude by either +5 or +10, not both. However, rereading the book which states: "There are two limitations to this; each option can only be selected once, and player characters cannot gain more additional Obligation than their original starting value." it sounds like you can take 'each' option, the +5 and the +10, once. A quick scan of the Obligation forum has the same question asked, but no response yet from the powers that be. So I will look into adding the possible combinations of both +5 and +10 Obligation. I also still need to set up the option of differing types of obligation. So I'll see if I can address both of those issues for the next update.

Regarding the bonus skills for a human (or droid)…

If you grabbed the initial post's link, that feature was not available in the first version, but it is in the most recent (v0.31 found a few posts earlier). On the Species tab, there are two boxes under the Bonus skill listing where you can pick your bonus skills. These skills will then be listed as 'Species' on the Skills tab and the 1st rank should be there for them. I have not yet set it up to limit it to non-career skills, nor will it actually limit your total ranks to 2 at creation, as the builder is designed to allow you to continue leveling your character.

Thank you for the comments, and I will continue to make improvements based on all the feedback and updates.

Bren_Waynero said:

Regarding Obligation…

As I understand it, you start with your initial obligation. You may then increase your obligation magnitude by either +5 or +10, not both. However, rereading the book which states: "There are two limitations to this; each option can only be selected once, and player characters cannot gain more additional Obligation than their original starting value." it sounds like you can take 'each' option, the +5 and the +10, once. A quick scan of the Obligation forum has the same question asked, but no response yet from the powers that be. So I will look into adding the possible combinations of both +5 and +10 Obligation. I also still need to set up the option of differing types of obligation. So I'll see if I can address both of those issues for the next update.

Regarding the bonus skills for a human (or droid)…

If you grabbed the initial post's link, that feature was not available in the first version, but it is in the most recent (v0.31 found a few posts earlier). On the Species tab, there are two boxes under the Bonus skill listing where you can pick your bonus skills. These skills will then be listed as 'Species' on the Skills tab and the 1st rank should be there for them. I have not yet set it up to limit it to non-career skills, nor will it actually limit your total ranks to 2 at creation, as the builder is designed to allow you to continue leveling your character.

Thank you for the comments, and I will continue to make improvements based on all the feedback and updates.

That's why it cost 15 to add a rank instead of 10. Got it.

Extra Obligations should be a bit simple. Just add a +15 Obligation, then a seperate treee for the four options. At least that's my take on it.

Bren_Waynero said:

Regarding Obligation…

As I understand it, you start with your initial obligation. You may then increase your obligation magnitude by either +5 or +10, not both. However, rereading the book which states: "There are two limitations to this; each option can only be selected once, and player characters cannot gain more additional Obligation than their original starting value." it sounds like you can take 'each' option, the +5 and the +10, once. A quick scan of the Obligation forum has the same question asked, but no response yet from the powers that be. So I will look into adding the possible combinations of both +5 and +10 Obligation. I also still need to set up the option of differing types of obligation. So I'll see if I can address both of those issues for the next update

This was my interpretation as well. When it says "player characters cannot gain more additional Obligation than their original starting value", I took this as meaning that if you had 6 players, thus having a starting obligation of 5 for each player" then you are unable to select the +10 Additional Obligation.

It can be interpreted either way.

Just wondering, are you thinking about updating the Excel sheet with the new update or wait another week or two?

I am in the process of updating it. Adding the option of multiple specializations has me doing a bit more with the talent tab. Hopefully I'll have it finished by the weekend. Which means it will be valid for a couple days before the next update. happy.gif

Bren_Waynero said:

I am in the process of updating it. Adding the option of multiple specializations has me doing a bit more with the talent tab. Hopefully I'll have it finished by the weekend. Which means it will be valid for a couple days before the next update. happy.gif

Thank you. What other updates are you putting in it as well?

Bren_Waynero said:

I am in the process of updating it. Adding the option of multiple specializations has me doing a bit more with the talent tab. Hopefully I'll have it finished by the weekend. Which means it will be valid for a couple days before the next update. happy.gif

going to paso this weekend with the wife…please have it done by tommorow morning ;) Having friends and familiy going so the men can play test and the woman gossip and bs :)

Newest version is up.


Updates and Additions included in this one:

Added optional secondary obligation, total magnitude can be split between your two different types, both are tracked individually through the Character Description tab.
Added the option to take +15 Obligation, gaining both an XP and credit increase, but not a double of either.
Upgraded weapon tables to reflect Beta Update 4.
Adjusted starting obligation values for party size per Beta Update 4.
Added availability of more than three specializations (up to 9 total for now) and adjusted XP costs to reflect Beta Update 4.
Adjusted Droid skill selection to allow them to pick the extra career and specialization allowed per Beta Update 4.
Added a selection in Equipped selection of Equipment tab labeled "Built In" which counts the same as "Yes". If FFG adds an ENC change for droids with built in components, this will come into play.
Changed Gand starting abilities to reflect Beta Update 4
Adjusted XP costs for Skills per Beta Update 4.
Renamed 'Improved' versions of Defensive Stance and Side Step to regular versions. Also changed 'Resilience' Talent to "Enduring" per the Beta Update 4.

Keep an eye out for errors. I think I caught the big ones, but with all the changes, there could be some that I missed.

I have been spending xp on the character I am playing in a friends game and have taken force sensitive exile. I have bought the Insight talent which should make perception and vigilance career skills but the excel sheet hasn't registered the change.

Apart from that major kudos on the sheet, I am finding it a real boon.


I will add that to my list of adds/fixes for the next update. And we will see what kind of fixes I need with this week's update soon enough as well.