Media For Inspiration

By Guest, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beta

Yes I know. Other than that.

Especially as regards to Edge of the Empires specific setting (and feel, assuming I have got what that is right).

Or, Is this not a great opportunity to do the bank heist/shootout from Heat in Star Wars?

I would also suggest Gone in Sixty Seconds:-

+++++Speeder theft on Long Beaches went down 47% when Randall "Memphis" Raines walked away from the life. He gets dragged back into it by assuming the job his brother Kip screwed up for stolen-speeder broker Raymond Calitri: steal 50 exotic speeders and have them on a heavy freighter by 0800 Benduday morning, and he got this news on a Primeday. With Calitri threatening to kill him and Kip, and the Impsec GRAB unit breathing down his neck, Memphis reassembles his old crew and attempts to pull off the logistically impossible.+++++

See if you can find old West End Games material for Star Wars. Lots of stuff in those. Another place used to be the Star Wars RPG Network ( ), but that seems to have suffered a loss of data that they are slowly recovering from. Or maybe The Verminary which did conversion materials for d20 to d6.

I was thinking more of Non Star Wars stuff.

Er, as I understand it, the PCs in EotE are people on the fringes of society who have to do stuff because of Obligations to… someone. Something?

So having to do 'One Last Job' to settle a debt or pay for your nephews radical gene therapy or whatever.

Anyway, seems like a perfect excuse to put on a cool mask and a suit, walk in to a bank during business hours, and then shoot your way out past scores of Stormtrooper SWAT dudes trying to stop you.








Or there is John Woo's The Killer, in which the titular hit man must do One Last Job in order to pay for an operation to save the sight of a (beautiful) singer he accidentally blinded during a gunfight:-

Or there is Kane & Lynch: Dead Men, in which Adam 'Kane' Marcus is broken out of prison by a mercenary group known as The7 and told to recover what he stole from them in three weeks or they will kill his (ex) wife and daughter. When he fails to do this and they carry through on their threat, he recruits a team of 'Dead Men' people who crossed The7 and are now marked for death, to get payback.




And then, of course, there are westerns .

Firefly. Definitely Firefly.

Westerns are going to be your go to for more "white hat" characters.

But you are correct. This setting would be ripe for a "One Last Job" scenario where the PCs are forced to do something criminal in order to pay off a debt to a crime lord or something similar.

For Star Wars media, check out the upcoming Scoundrels from Timothy Zahn in December. It sounds like it's going to be a perfect read for a GM looking to put together an EotE game. And considering that it's being billed as "Oceans 11 in space" there's another type of movie to look at for inspiration.

hyperman said:

Firefly. Definitely Firefly.

+10000000000000 for Firefly/Serenity

You could also draw a lot of inspiration from the classic Akira Kurosawa movies. True - a lot of them did get updates when the day of the Western came around, but there's still a lot of cool stuff in them.

Heck, Lucas himself cites a lot of his inspiration as a filmmaker from seeing The Hidden Fortress.

Cyril said:

Westerns are going to be your go to for more "white hat" characters.

How white hat does the game expect you to be? (I'd kinda guess like Han, in that he claims not to be a hero, but isn't fooling anyone)


For westerns:-

Open Range

The characters have hired on to work as hands on a 'Free Grazing' herd of Void Whales.


(Void Whales are vast creatures who live in the depths of space. Their tentacles form the field coils of a biological Bussard Ramscoop, hovering up the thin layer of interstellar particles that fill the space between planets for sustenance. The herding of Void Whales is big business in this part of space, as many products can be rendered from the corpse of a fully grown Whale.

There is much conflict between 'Free Grazing' stockmen, whose herds wonder across space as they please, and more settled enterprises who, they feel, put a lot of effort in to maintaining the particle fields in their area of space, and as such do not appreciate the freeloaders taking advantage of their work.)

When a ship sent by the players boss to a local planet for supplies fails to return, the PCs are sent to see what happened. It turns out the previous crew were set upon by angry herders who felt the passing of the players Whales had badly depleted the local grazing.

From there things escalate culminating in a shootout between the settled herders and the free grazers:- (Best Western Gunfight EVAR!)


For that matter, how about an adventure hunting the fabled White Void Whales:-


Casa Blanca. I know it might sound weak-sauce for the unfamiliar…but there's some pretty cool set pieces, characters, plot threads and imagery to mine for ideas here. Crooked cops, dens of scum and villainy, bribes, cloak and dagger stuff, resistances, suave characters, baggage (ie obligation). Ha…I am writing like the grandpa from Princess Bride the movie…fencing, fighting, chases, escapes, giants, monsters, true love.

Okay I'll hop back in my crate…

Callidon said:

Casa Blanca. I know it might sound weak-sauce for the unfamiliar…but there's some pretty cool set pieces, characters, plot threads and imagery to mine for ideas here. Crooked cops, dens of scum and villainy, bribes, cloak and dagger stuff, resistances, suave characters, baggage (ie obligation). Ha…I am writing like the grandpa from Princess Bride the movie…fencing, fighting, chases, escapes, giants, monsters, true love.

Okay I'll hop back in my crate…

Casa Blanca. The Maltese Falcon. Double Indemnity. The Postman Always Rings Twice.

Film noir. You can get a *lot* of mileage out of this genre with a game like this. I would highly encourage you guys to go and listen to episode 160 of the Order 66 Podcast, where they go in depth about running a noir game in Star Wars (specifically Saga Edition, but much of the advice is extremely universal).

Tales of the Gold Monkey:-








Do they make seaplane versions of the YT1300?

Cyril said:

Casa Blanca. The Maltese Falcon. Double Indemnity. The Postman Always Rings Twice.

Grim Fandango!



Dukes of Hazzard:-


You take take a load of triple purified glitterstim through an Imperial blockade at 100 megalights an hour and if you ain't a dead man, you're a moonrunner…


So replace Hazzard County with Hazzard Sector, Boss Hogg with a crooked Hutt sector commissioner, the General Lee with a souped up light freighter built for outrunning the law, and make with the starship chases:-

Need For Speed: The Run



As ever, the PCs find themselves in urgent need of a large sum of credits, either to pay off the inevitable debt to the Black Sun or to prevent foreclosure on the orphanage.

The only likely prospect for getting it seems to be to win The Run, an illicit starship race from Ryloth to Coruscant following the route of the famed Corellian Run super-hyperroute.

So two hundred of the best pilots in the galaxy assemble at Ryloth in the Star Wars starship equivalent of the super- and hyper-cars they drive on Top Gear (the PCs will have been lent (or stolen!) a Space Aston Martin DBS for the event) and race at insane speeds through the busiest hyper routes in the Empire for ludicrous prize money.

So (as the majority of the actual racing takes place in the necessary periods when the craft drop out of hyperspace to set up for the next leg and refuel etc.) the PCs must dodge oncoming traffic, battle with other participants and take shortcuts through asteroid fields and dangerous nebulae. Along the way, the PCs must outrun the traffic cops of the Imperial Navy and the enforcers of the Black Sun and other crime syndicates who have bet heavily on their own racers and therefore really don't want the PCs to win.

Naturally, it all comes down to a head to head race between the PCs and their nemesis through the croweded skies and winding streets of Coruscant (the authorities having been paid off to let the participants through the planetary shields) to reach the finishing line and claim the purse.

Ice Road Truckers


So, having gambled away the credits they got from winning The Run, the PCs find themselves in urgent need of another large sum of currency. This time, their best bet seems to be to sign on to haul loads on the infamous frozen hyperoads of the Sarktic Cluster.

The Cluster is located deep in a region of unstable hyperspace. Usually, churning currents of energy make the area impassable to starships, but every three years, for approximately sixty days, these currents appear to stabilise, forming temporary hyper-routes that can, at great risk, allow access to the systems of the cluster.

And it is only within the asteroid belts of these systems that the rare Sarktic Crystals can be found.

Despite the difficulties, these crystals are sufficiently valuable that there are many operations ongoing to extract them. These operations need large quantities of personnel and supplies to do their work. So every three years freighter crews converge on the area, willing to accept the dangers involved in flying the frozen currents for the great rewards offered by the mining concerns for doing so.

So the PCs take part in a mad 'Dash for Cash' to run as many loads as possible to the mines in the short trucking season and earn as many credits as possible before the quite remarkably unstable and perilous routes collapse completely.

And I am thinking that at one of the mines the miners have dug too greedily and too deep, and when the PCs arrive, Something has been released and wants to escape the Cluster on their ship.

(I feel when flying the frozen currents, the familiar blue hyperspace tunnel is mottled white and there is an unnatural chill that no heater can counteract. And, yknow, it is somehow Dangerous. Stuff shakes, consoles explode randomly in showers of sparks, people see strange hallucinations, and maybe there are obstructions and whatnot in the tunnel that need to be dodged and twists and turns that must be flown down. If that doesn't offend your sense of how hyperspace works)


Feel free to jump in at any time guys…