So we've got our card, miniature space combat, and rpg. What's next for the Star Wars license?

By GoblynKing, in Star Wars

Personally my money is on a Dust: Tactics like squad based miniatures game set in the original trilogy timeline. It may even be called Star Wars: Tactics.

This would mean highly detailed quality prepainted plastic sculpts, with varied molds for each model. The base set may consist of Storm Troopers and Rebel Troops. We may even get some small AT-ST's and/or power armored Storm Troopers. First round of expansions will probably be secondary characters, and "hero" sculpts of important/famous characters (Luke, Han, Chewie, etc.). Like Dust, they may even include a terrain "board", though I'm unsure just how strict the license is regarding the fact that they can't make "board games". The current license holders, Hasbro, tend to interpret this as "make the worst board games you can and slap the Star Wars logo on it". The Dust Tactics style approach would allow them to get around this in a way while still producing a board game like experience.

This would scratch everyone's "want more Star Wars stuff" itch, plus they'd be tapping into both the wargamer and rpg markets since some would purchase the game just to use the minis in their pen and paper campaigns.

What do y'all think?

I certainly wouldn't mind miniatures. So long as we don't get the WotC idea of miniatures (random "boosters" that are only out for a short time). Storm Troopers, Rebels, small vehicles (speeders), droids, aliens, etc… like the old Ral Partha line, but maybe in plastic or other light, resilient material. I hated that something so common, an R2 unit, was so hard to get because they CALLED it R2-D2…

Another Star Wars mini game, for ground-combat would be ideal as the next game release. I'd freaking LOVE to have it. Especially if it was non-random- setting up scenarios from the movies/books is a lot easier when you can just go easily buy what you need.

+1 for a Dust-style (either version) star wars game!

… just no Ewok army please!

-wuhsawbe- said:

+1 for a Dust-style (either version) star wars game!

… just no Ewok army please!

Man, no Ewok army is a deal-breaker for me. They should be in the core set, even. Ewoks vs Jawas, please :) .

Asmoridin said:

Ewoks vs Jawas, please :) .

Ok, I admit it, THAT would be pretty funny! =p

This has been painfully needed since… Forever? I remember there was an actual tactical mini squad bass game, like 15+ years ago. I'm not sure it even got a real release. I have a bunch of the Wizards stuff, but the truth is it just wasn't what I wanted out of a mini game. Prepainted, unprinted, whatever. Just give me a real squad based game. I vote for some vehicles. An army level game where I can field multiple AT-ATs would be sweet too. Battles of Westerosish if the board game license is up for grabs.

Spike1382 said:

This has been painfully needed since… Forever? I remember there was an actual tactical mini squad bass game, like 15+ years ago. I'm not sure it even got a real release. I have a bunch of the Wizards stuff, but the truth is it just wasn't what I wanted out of a mini game. Prepainted, unprinted, whatever. Just give me a real squad based game. I vote for some vehicles. An army level game where I can field multiple AT-ATs would be sweet too. Battles of Westerosish if the board game license is up for grabs.

Star Wars Miniatures battles from West End Games? That had a release, an expansion, and tons and tons of miniatures available (pewter and unpainted). It basically played like a slightly simplified version of their d6-based RPG.

Spike1382 said:

This has been painfully needed since… Forever? I remember there was an actual tactical mini squad bass game, like 15+ years ago. I'm not sure it even got a real release. I have a bunch of the Wizards stuff, but the truth is it just wasn't what I wanted out of a mini game. Prepainted, unprinted, whatever. Just give me a real squad based game. I vote for some vehicles. An army level game where I can field multiple AT-ATs would be sweet too. Battles of Westerosish if the board game license is up for grabs.

I vote for this.

or a 15mm miniature game. With a lot of vehicles!

Interesting thought visualization> X-Wing is hot! Now, if FFG goes minis with epic ground warfare... There are so many variations for this... given the types of planets and their own environments (Endor (Forests), Hoth (Ice), Tatooine (Deserts), Mustafar (Lava/Rocks), Geonosis (Caves/Rocky terrain)... and the list can go on!

My point is... new units that fit the battle (vehicles, support, and such), for each planet would be awesome expansions. Not to leave out, maps (like the one's I used to use in the BattleTech boardgame, as just an example).

To use the mini's in the Edge of the Empire RPG, would double the value right there!!!

This is exciting... FFG we would love to hear your thoughts on this, I'm sure!

Edited by Xavant

Me and my $$$ are in for Dust Tactics: Star Wars!!! :lol:

While I enjoy the era of the Empire, I would rather see them release a miniatures line for the Clone Wars. There are a LOT more factions involved imho and there is the inclusion of Jedi as well so you get a nice solid mix with the odd Sith thrown in there somewhere.

Going off on a different tanget, I'd love a playable Sabacc deck. I know there are homebrew versions out there, but I'd still like a final polished product to use.The hard part of course is the randomly changing cards. Making this an app would be the easy way to deal with that aspect, but not as satisfying as actual cards.

Rolling dice, etc for randomization effects works, it just needs to be implemented in the least clunky way. Being able to sort through and swap out the cards that change quickly would be the key to keeping the game flow moving.

I realize it is basically a poker/gambling/bluffing game but throwing that Star Wars flavor on top makes it a little unique. Plus the real fun would be a play group implementing this into their SW: Edge of the Empire game sessions. What group of smuggler PCs wouldn't spend an evening in a cantina (or killing time on their ship) gambling away their credits playing Sabacc?

So far I like both ideas that have come up.

I would love a miniatures game. I've never even touched DUST:Tactics beyond picking the boxes up and looking at them. Never seen it played, wouldn't mind trying it but it is one I'd much rather try to see if I like it before bringing up the cash to buy into it. A Star Wars version of it that was made to be compatible with Edge of the Empire and the new Rebellion one would be wonderful. Especially if the mini's look as good as the ones for DUST do. Wizards of the Coast didn't make miniatures, they made clumps of painted light plastic that you could never get enough of what you needed for a decent price.

Likewise I love the idea of a tangible Sabacc deck. No one seems to have made it and while it is basicly space poker I don't think it is exactly played the same way. Though that would be a good thematic way of representing it. I don't know how well it would take off though. I know Wizards tried something similar with the whole Three Dragon Ante bit but I am not sure how it would go.

What I would honestly like to see though is a board wargame of the entire Rebellion starting just after the destruction of the first Death Star. Something along the lines of the old Rebellion game turned tabletop or the old GDW Fifth Frontier War. I think that would be pretty awesome honestly.

Another idea is something akin to X Wing but on a larger scale maybe? Like a fleet based game rather than a dogfighting game.

Edited by Slyen

OOooo, a fleet based game would be fantastic, or something akin to Twilight Imperial but in the SW galaxy! Or an adventure game in the vein of Middle Earth Quest meets Relic would be sweet, but again, I'm not sure what's going on with the actual board game license at this point.

I'd like to see a more campaign style, universe encompassing game, like a battle for the galaxy. Something that could both be played on its own in a 4 hour time frame, or set up on a longer time frame where individual battles could be fought using the Armada or X-Wing rules. It might result in some lop-sided battles, but therein lies the challenge. Rather than just a fight where one side destroys the other, if you were the underdog, just surviving with a few of your ships would be the challenge. Hopefully, this is something already under development.

P.S. - I also vote for a tactical, squad based game as mentioned above. Something like the WotC version, but better (i.e., leave the d20 out of it).