I was playing my first game of Dust Warfare and I feel like i know how the rules are supposed to work, but there was a couple of times it didn't always feel right, and I wanted to clarify. Here are a couple of examples:
* I have a sniper in a window and he's shooting through the window at a unit that is standing in an open field.
* I have a walker 12 inches away from a unit of soldiers and both are standing in an open field, except that exactly 6 inches between the walker and the unit is an inch wall that tyically provides hard cover.
Following cover rules I would draw line of sight from the leader in the unit (the Sniper and Walker in these examples), to each model in the target unit. In both cases I am going to cross some form of cover. In the first example, from my Sniper I am going to cross (almost immediately) the wall of the building I am standing a quarter inch from. For the second example, I am crossing a wall, even though the target unit isn't anywhere near said wall.
In both cases, do the targets recieve benefit of cover?
Accroding to the rules, it would seem like they do, since we cross a change in terrain (walls, in this case), and I can rationalize it based on streamlining the cover system and techically, I suppose both could provide "some" off-chance form of cover for the targets realistically, but it felt a little funny.
Just hoping someone can confirm this is how it works, or that I am missing something obvious.