Custom Character Sheet - What do YOU want to see in it?

By MilesD37, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beta

Hey guys, ever since I started playing RPGs in high school, I've never been happy with the standard character sheets that come with games, and this one is no exception… (no offense FFG, it's not you… it's me, i swear)

I tend to like to have the majority of encounter relevant stats on the front page, and push the fluff info that isn't referenced as often (or requires more than average space) to the second/third pages…

By end of day I'll post a link to my sheet, but before I finalize it I was hoping for some input on things other beta testers would like to see on a two page sheet? here are the changes I've made so far-

  • Front Page Headers - All Character Info at top of page (Name, Species, Career, Specialization(s), Age, Height, Weight/Build, Motivation(s), Obligation(s), Total/Available XP, and Player Name
  • Changed Attribute and Damage/Defense Style slightly so as to take up less space, also added box next to wound thresholds for writing in crit. injuries.
  • The above bullets took up the top 1/3 of page, putting skills into single row (with 2 spaces for cust. skills per skill section)
  • Beside The skills I'm putting weapon and armor fields, with a section below for misc. combat/encounter abilities

Second Page:

  • Talents, my concept is to arrange talent fields into 3 sub sections to organize your talents by specialization- with ample space to record all info on said talent
  • Larger/expanded gear section (one with space to enter gear costs/attributes/encumbrance level) as well as space to record your monetary assets
  • Misc/Notes section for any extra info you want to enter

Is there any other space you would like to see on the first version of my character sheet? Future Releases will have more pages, but this first one is going to be only 2, and not be as pretty… just getting a functional sheet before my group starts playing in 5-6 days…

Dice symbol reference.

Venthrac said:

Dice symbol reference.

the user " sumqui " submitted this awesome 2 page quick reference … it would serve the purpose better (another thought is if you don't print your charater sheets 2 sided and generally don't write on the back, then you could print that quick reference onto the back of your character sheet and have the majority of basic knowledge at your disposal)

though in a later version that has more than 2 pages i may add alot of quick reference stuff to it

Form fillable.

The official version is all very pretty but I dislike the skill rank field look, so a character sheet with something a little clearer would be nice. Perhaps circles instead of the angular incremental bars.


all combat data on the same side of the sheet… including skills, talents, and weapons.

I've always like having a "Character Portrait" slot. Most of my players either doodle, or we put a picture there if we make a digital version

Not "helpful" but fun


If you don't mind, since you created a specific thread about it, I'll repost what I posted in your other thread:

If you have the opportunity, it'll be great to include ways to make it easier for new players to build dice pool. The character sheet from the beginner's box is a good example.

Another good example is a fan made character sheet made for WFRP 3rd edition (which use similar custom dices). This particular sheet is fillable, which is a nice feature too to build and print characters.

Basically, overall, since SWEotE skill check is different than normal RPGs, a graphical way to represent characteristics and skills trained, and thus the final dice pool dice pool for a given skill check would be great for new players.

Also, I wonder whether talents would be better at the back, because I wonder whether many GMs/Players, once the final product is out, are going to basically have a mini-talent tree printed next to their character sheet, or are going to create talents cards like in WFRP3 for those talents that you activate.
