Ft.Worth Texa

By Berdfre, in 7. AGoT Metagame Discussions

Looking for players in north Texas.Anybody out there?


Edited by steinbiggity

Just wondering how many people in Dallas/Ft. Worth are playing. There are a few of us in San Antonio, and on occasion I pass through Dallas.

you guys still going to meet up? do u mind if I join in? I have my own deck and looking for players too email me if you guys still playing

[email protected]

Does this group still meet? I am fairly new to the game—I've played several times against friends using my own cards, and I'd really enjoy a chance to participate against others. I would very much appreciate a chance to join your group.

Yes, we still meet Saturday's 6PM at Madness Comics in Plano.

Oh, sweet. That is w/in driving range for me. Would another player mess up your group's dynamics? And do y'all tend to run joust or melee?

is there anybody near fort worth and not plano lol?