Dungeon Fighter, I am confused!

By AboveJon, in The Crystal Ball and The Wishing Well

So I just picked up Dungeon Fighter at my FLGS, and I thought it was supposed to be distributed by FFG. I realized its an english version from Heidelberger Spieleverlag and Cranio Creations. I'm quite confused, many websites including amazon list Dungeon Fighter as being a FFG published game, yet I can't find mention of it on this site.

If an FFG version is going to come out, I don't want to open up this one. Anybody have an answer?!

Why dont you wanna open a great game, in case of a FFG version? What would FFG do to the game?

Good question, for one I figured the price would go down. Also I just liked the idea of having a collection of FFG games. Anyway, I think I figured out FFG is distributing it rather than publishing it. Either way, opened it up, love the components, can't wait to play!