Seems like EotE treats lightsabers the way they deserve to be treated Deadly.
Lets imagine an Imperial Marauder [brawn 4 / Melee 3, Frenzied Attack, Feral Strength, Lethal Blows] armed with a lightsaber.
His attack pool is (after suffering 1 strain): 4 [Proficiency] + 2 [Difficulty] + any Defense and/or situational modifiers
His Damage is 10 + 1 (Feral Strength) + any successes vs. 0 soak (Lightsaber's Breach eats up to 10 soak)!
Also any [Advantage] is a Crit, with extras adding 10 to Crit roll (with +10 already from Lethal Blows)
Lemme just roll for fun… I'll add a Boost and 2 Setbacks…
1 Success + 1 Triumph + 1 Advantage (not the best really but ok)… that is 13 wounds & Crit Injury at +20
Now, when I think about giving the marauder 2 sabers (Ventress style), I shudder…
…for a Triumph or 2 Advantages I probably hit for 13 more unsoakable wounds, unless the extra Difficulty somehow messes with my roll.
And that is using the rules as we know them, without ANY Force support to combat skills.
Behold the awesome power of the elegant weapon