Right. So the game, apparently, has no skill or way of keeping track of languages. This was mentioned briefly in this thread.
Now I respect the game designers and can unwillingly accept their reasoning.
On the other hand I'd like a system for languages in my campaign(s), because I find languages to be incentives for characters to learn them - and as a generic plot device it is great. Players knowing or learning a language, let's say Sith for example, should both cost time, perhaps xp and enable them to read and talk a different language - a whole plot and personal mission around learning a language has happened in my games before. Additionally it can work to keep secrets from other players in-game if necessary, but also to understand those who believe that no one listens or can understand.
So, as my book is still moving closer to the Atlantic ocean before a lengthy flight to europe then towards scandinavia, I wonder what you guys who have the book, perhaps those that have played Warhammer… basically those of you who have some familiarity with the system. How would you treat languages if you were to implement it into the game?
I think it should be somewhat granular, perhaps 3 levels of speech, with a possible 4 level for those crazy archaic dialects and stuff. And about the same for reading.
Ideas? Anybody?