Tracking concern

By cetiken, in Talents and Specialization Trees

Assuming I'm understanding the system, each entry in the tree is only taken once. I am concerned that it may be complex / difficult to keep track of where in the tree they purchased the talent.

For example, I have a human Technician with the Outlaw Tech and Slicer specs. I take Tinkerer, Solid Repairs, and Utility Belt. A bit later in my carrear I pick up Grit when I notice I'm always running out of strain. A month later I have no idea if I spent 5xp to buy it from the Slicer tree or 10 xp to buy it from the Outlaw Tech tree.

I'm not sure how to resolve the issue. Right now I would be temped to photocopy each tree a player takes and have them mark it with a highlighter when they pick a talent.

The easiest solution I can see is to assign a coordinate to each talent, based on the Column (A,B,C, or D) and the point cost within the Talent tree.

Dealing with multiple Talent Trees, you'd probably will need to include Career: Specialist as well. So the Grit could be listed as Tech/Slic B5 or Tech/Outlaw B10? A simple enough system can be used to fit it in the Page# spot on the Character Sheet (Multiple Ranks of one Talent would need separate lines then, or a different fix -- maybe use 2 lines, one for description, one for the coordinates?)

My latest thought is actually to divide a page into thirds and have a blank table with no text in each third. The player can draw lines connecting the talent boxes and label each spec. They then staple this Talent Planer Sheet to their character sheet and mark which ones they have taken.

Sadly I have no skill at document making.

cetiken said:

…Sadly I have no skill at document making.

I've got some skills with doodling, but with a character sheet all I do is make sure that the information can be absorbed asap for "in-play" stuff, but for your suggestion, which is exactly what I will use btw, I'll just draw it out and document all the necessary details. Like Career/Specialization, page number, permanent. I won't be worrying about document skills and printing it out.

On the other hand, I'm sure it couldn't be TOO hard, unless you want it somewhere as fancy the character sheets that they put up. Something flashy… hm, maybe I'll try it anyways…

You could just photocopy the talent tree from the book and use a marker to make a circle or something on the talents your character has. That's the easiest way to do it.

Indeed. It is however illegal to do so, as the pages are not marked with permission to photocopy.

cetiken said:

Indeed. It is however illegal to do so, as the pages are not marked with permission to photocopy.

Actually, I just checked and the Talent Trees (and Force Power Trees) ARE marked with permission to photocopy! Which is a good solution, as long as you don't mind a character sheet 5 pages long.

Bizarre. I could have sworn I checked first. Mea culpa.

Maese Mateo said:

You could just photocopy the talent tree from the book and use a marker to make a circle or something on the talents your character has. That's the easiest way to do it.

I was going to suggest this as well and it is a good solution. Maybe FFG could put the talent trees up as a PDF?

Gobbo said:

Maybe FFG could put the talent trees up as a PDF?

That's a great idea!

Gobbo said:

Maese Mateo said:

You could just photocopy the talent tree from the book and use a marker to make a circle or something on the talents your character has. That's the easiest way to do it.

I was going to suggest this as well and it is a good solution. Maybe FFG could put the talent trees up as a PDF?

+1. I like having pretty stuff from FFG to print out.

This has also bugged me. While the simple solution is copying the talent trees, that can quickly amount to a few extra pieces of paper lying around (less is better for me: I only want/need 2 page sheet, a notebook and dice, and perhaps a printout of my character's background as a hand-around for the other players).

A track sheet for talents that you could fill out yourself, as suggested here is the better option imho (with three specializations, as well as the possibility of switching specs, but having permanent talents to still keep track of with a photocopied talent tree just seems unpractical).

Optionally (preferably, I might say) a column could be added to the original character sheet (there's room to expand the text area of the sheet slightly, and it's possible to shrink the page column for talents). That way, all information is kept in one place.

For what it's worth, in my PbP game I've started tracking talents by giving them coordinates by column & row, like so:

Explorer (Fringer):

Rapid Recovery 1,3; Grit 2,3; Toughened 2,4; Durable 3,4