Powerfist/Chainfist potency-

By acp, in Black Crusade Rules Questions

Is it intended that the average CSM with a powerfist deal 2d10+20 damage in melee?

In Deathwatch, they make it clear that the portion of the user's strength bonus that comes from the unnatural characteristic trait and from power armor is not doubled when determining powerfist damage (i.e., a typical SM would deal 2d10+14 with the powerfist). Am I overlooking this rule in Black Crusade? If no, is it probably an oversight that slipped under the radar for the errata?

Nevermind, I see that this has been answered in another thread.

Tried searching, but came up empty. Could you point to the thread with the answer?


Kbobsky said:

Tried searching, but came up empty. Could you point to the thread with the answer?


Sure. Here it is. They intend for it to be as it is in Deathwatch, so only the natural unaugmented stat bonus gets multiplied.