Walker movement question

By Nefarious_Gamer, in Dust Warfare Rules Discussion

From the book,

"Each walker has a center point shown on its diagram.
When moving a heavy walker, measure from the center of
the miniature, so that the center of the miniature moves no
more than the movement rate and the entire hull moves into
the vehicle’s front arc. Miniatures that rotate do so from this
same center point."

So does it move in a straight line, or can it move any where in its front arc?

Primarch said:

From the book,

"Each walker has a center point shown on its diagram.
When moving a heavy walker, measure from the center of
the miniature, so that the center of the miniature moves no
more than the movement rate and the entire hull moves into
the vehicle’s front arc. Miniatures that rotate do so from this
same center point."

So does it move in a straight line, or can it move any where in its front arc?

If memory serves there is another paragraph somewhere that states walkers get one, up to 90 degree rotation, as part of a move, either before or after the move. Otherwise movement is a straight line in their front arc.

There's a diagram in the rulebook on page 37 that illustrates how it works. It moves into its front arc (not in a straight line but in its front arc without changing its facing in any way). It may then make up to 90 degree turn after it moves… or… it can pivot up to 90 degrees before it moves which give it a totally different front arc that it can move into while keeping its orientation. The picture on page 37 shows it better than any words can… but the short answer is no, it doesn not have to move in a straight line but it does have to move in its front arc and not turn in the process… confusing… I know… just check out the diagram and it will be clear.

Or… it can not move at all but completely change its facing to any direction without worrying about the 90 degree limitation… but then it cannot move even though it counts as a move action… again, page 37.

Thanks Strombole, I thought so. Also got a reply from Zack (FFG) and he confirmed it is that way.

Primarch said:

Thanks Strombole, I thought so. Also got a reply from Zack (FFG) and he confirmed it is that way.

Did Zach by chance happen to mention if they have to end their movement, "Completely Within" their initial Front Arc as illustrated in the the picture, or just, "within" which allows a much greater amount of flexibility?

We've been playing completely within or as close as possible. (Obviosly, if you only move 1-2" you can't get the whole base completely within the initial front arc).

I would play that the centre of the base has to be within the arc. Otherwise the arc ends up being less than 90 degrees, and as you mentioned, it doesn't work well if you're only moving a very small distance (the rule should still work even if you're only moving half an inch, and in that case, you'd have to go by the centre of the base.)

I have a different walker movement question.

For the Mickey, a light walker with JUMP and FAST, can it take the fast movement as part of the jump (essentially giving it a 12 inch jump on a single move, or 18 inch jump on a march move) or do you jump 6 and move over ground 6?


Fast and Jump can be used together. The Jump special ability can be used any time a model moves.

felkor said:

I would play that the centre of the base has to be within the arc. Otherwise the arc ends up being less than 90 degrees, and as you mentioned, it doesn't work well if you're only moving a very small distance (the rule should still work even if you're only moving half an inch, and in that case, you'd have to go by the centre of the base.)

Duh! Why didn't I think of that? Too many years recently plaing games where all measurement is from edge of base, not center. This is perfect, and how our dojo will play it from now on! Thanks for the eye-opener Felkor!

The big diagram on page 19 shows where to measure the arc from, you can also paint every 6th bolt on the base to make it easy to show where the arcs lie.

I reread the answer as I was copying it and you do have to move in a straight line, but you can do it in any direction that is in your front arc.

Shadow4ce, no he did not say within or totally with in. Below is the response.


Rule Question:
Do walker move in a straight line from their front arc. or can they move any direction in their front arc? (Example diagonally)

Walkers can move in a straight line in any direction so long as their line of movement falls into their front arc. In this sense, a walker is capable of diagonal movement. However, the walker's facing at the end of its movement must remain the same as it was at the beginning of its movement. A walker can rotate up to 90 degrees before or after moving, but no rotation can occur during the move itself.

I hope this has answered your question. Happy Gaming!

Zach Tewalthomas
Assoc. Miniatures Games Producer
Fantasy Flight Games

The diagonal movement was what I meant by not in a straight line… In the strict sense that you were speaking of originally with the center of the base, etc, I took to mean that you were referring to moving in a straight line to mean moving directly forward in the exact way they were facing, all I meant to say is that they didn't have to move in this "straight line" but anywhere in the front arc without changing facing, which I thought was understood what I was talking about… vehicle rules have always clearly stated that you could not turn during movement so I thought that part of "straight line" was obvious…. but how you just quoted it was exactly how I meant… sorry if you misunderstood what I meant by not in a straight line… I thought the fact that they can't turn or zigzag during movement was a given.

Strombole said:

The diagonal movement was what I meant by not in a straight line… In the strict sense that you were speaking of originally with the center of the base, etc, I took to mean that you were referring to moving in a straight line to mean moving directly forward in the exact way they were facing, all I meant to say is that they didn't have to move in this "straight line" but anywhere in the front arc without changing facing, which I thought was understood what I was talking about… vehicle rules have always clearly stated that you could not turn during movement so I thought that part of "straight line" was obvious…. but how you just quoted it was exactly how I meant… sorry if you misunderstood what I meant by not in a straight line… I thought the fact that they can't turn or zigzag during movement was a given.

Interesting. Whether units could turn or zigzag during movements was one of the first questions I asked on these forums when I started playing Dust Warfare (nothing is a "given" when you've never played these kind of games before) and I was told (by more than one person I believe) that they could.

So walkers can only move in a straight line? What about infantry?

EDIT I think I'm misunderstanding things here. Let me ask a clarifying question. If a walker must move in a zig-zag or a curve (rather than a straight line) to get around an obstacle, but his entire movement is within the front 90 degree arc, can he do it?

felkor said:

EDIT I think I'm misunderstanding things here. Let me ask a clarifying question. If a walker must move in a zig-zag or a curve (rather than a straight line) to get around an obstacle, but his entire movement is within the front 90 degree arc, can he do it?

Yes, as long as he ends the movement facing the same direction as at the start of the move.