
By Seblys, in Dust Warfare Rules Discussion

I'm a bit confused about the Pilots rule.

I know Koshka is the only hero who can pilot grandma, the unit page makes that pretty clear.

But some of the other heroes say they are pilots and can pilot a vehicle other than aircraft. Does that mean they can just jump in any land based vehicle and pilot it or does the vehicle have to say it's pilotable? (which none do other than grandma)


Grand'ma lists heroic pilot: Koshka to tell you that only Koshka can pilot her.Just like Koshka says Pilot: Grand'ma meaning she can only pilot Grand'ma.. When it says Pilot: Vehicle (not aircraft) it means they can be the pilot of any vehicle as long as its not an aircraft…. so they can jump in a KV-47 walker but not the Grand'ma KV-47 because that specifically states only Koshka may pilot her.

The SSU has more heroes in vehicles coming. The rule plans for the future.

But at the moment any hero who has the ability pilot (not aircraft) could jump in any of the walkers and take them for a spin?

Also, does a hero that is piloting a mech count as one or two units for rolling for command points in the initative phase?

Seblys said:

But at the moment any hero who has the ability pilot (not aircraft) could jump in any of the walkers and take them for a spin?

Also, does a hero that is piloting a mech count as one or two units for rolling for command points in the initative phase?

  1. Correct. As long as it's not, "Hero Specific" like Gran'Ma and Red Cossack.
  2. One unit.

Shadow4ce said:

Also, does a hero that is piloting a mech count as one or two units for rolling for command points in the initative phase?

  1. One unit.

Don't troops riding in a transport vehicle count if the vehicle is on the table? I'm curious about the reason for this answer… are you viewing the hero piloting the vehicle as "joining" the unit?

Yeah, I also would have thought that the pilot and the walker count as a unit each. Unless there's a rule somewhere that I missed, it seems to me that they would be two units, since the piloting rules are the same as passenger rules, except for the pilot special abilities.


Red Yana

Fighting Spirit - Pilot

Is that only usable while piloting a vehicle, or can she and a unit she has joined use it?


Pilot after an ability means it can be used by the piloted vehicle, otherwise it doesn't carry over to the vehicle. Also pilot doesn't prevent its use outside of a vehicle.

I can't figure out what is so great about Pilot. Your Hero jumps in a walker and can pilot it. What benefit is gained. Your Hero can't do anything now but sit in a walker? I definetly am missing something

simpatikool said:

I can't figure out what is so great about Pilot. Your Hero jumps in a walker and can pilot it. What benefit is gained. Your Hero can't do anything now but sit in a walker? I definetly am missing something.

Several benefits:

1. The Hero is pretty much immune to small arms fire.

2. The Hero conveys their special ability to the vehicle aka Nikolai and "Pilot: Take Aim"

3. The Hero can get out of the vehicle if needed.

4. The Hero still counts as a separate unit for Orders and scoring purposes.

To a large degree how this helps you depends on you understanding the effects and taking advantage of them:

Hey Thank you. I kept reading the Pilot special rule and feeling like I was missing something. I "expect" a piloted vehicle to perform better for instance.

The Vehicle only really benefits is a Pilot has a special ability that is shared, otherwise, not so much.

Since this is a pilot-related thread, I might as well consolidate and ask.

Ok, so, I can have Red Yana in a Natasha (nasty as heck first strike ability btw. All-in-One Fighting Spirit with Grenade Weaponry FTW, crapped two V4 Walkers in two separate games, quite reliable). That much is clear.

What happens if/ when Red Yana decide to take a stroll outside the Nasty? E.g., Turn starts. Orders, Red Yana got ordered out of her Natasha. Unit Activation Phase -- Natasha and Red Yana activates separately?

Advance AI routine on the (Empty and Pilotless) Natasha?