
By Slaunyeh, in Star Wars Dice App

There might not be a lot of support for since, apparently, only stuffy old guys like me use WP7, but I'm still wondering if there's any plans for a WP7 client of the Star Wars Dice App?

I promise I'll buy it a second time if there are. happy.gif

I want it for WP7 (and WP8 later this year) too! Come on guys, look into it!

I'm also part of the WP crowd. I like to be contrary. No one makes apps for this thing. I'd stop bad-mouthing the app to my players if I could actually get a copy of it myself, though.

That's at least 3 semi-confirmed sales so far. Done yet?

A winapp version of this would be great!

I already have the android version, but I'm migrating a lot of stuff over on win8, so I'd like to have the app there too.

I said this on another post, but I'd really like a WinApp too. I just got a Win 8 Phone and I love it. I'm one that has to use the (real) Office app on a Win phone but I want to play too:)

I said this on another post, but I'd really like a WinApp too. I just got a Win 8 Phone and I love it. I'm one that has to use the (real) Office app on a Win phone but I want to play too:)

Same here - A windows version would be great. I want to use it on my WP8 and Surface.

I would like to see a Windows Phone 8 app as well

Another vote for a Windows Phone 8 version…

Add my name to the list for WP8 version!

I'd buy it in a second for WP.

I'd buy it in a second for WP.

Consider it bought for WP8 if released! How hard can it be to port!?

Windows Phone 7 will have a new user interface called Metro. It looks similar to Zune HD’s interface. The home screen is made up of tiles, which by default are links to important features, such as phone, music and videos, email, office, and contacts.