Fixing Smite

By afterimagedan, in Deathwatch House Rules

And they can still dodge a Smite with PR 10. Because the power says it affects creatures that are in its range will be affected. This is very different from Blast. Not the whole area is a target, instead every creature gets one attack from the power, which can be dodged. This is a significant difference. Otherwise I think, that they had it given Blast (PR), which they did not. Newer incarnations (from Only War) indicate the same (possible multiple hits, but not undodgeable).

In combination with the Psy Rules from Only War/Black Crusade, I'm rather happy with the actions my player can take. So it is possible for him to unleash a devastating attack, but it is no guaranteed kill, nor is it an action taken lightly, because of the risks involved. This is important for myself, because our group also includes a Devastator. As long as both have different drawbacks and advantages, I'm okay with it.

In the table-top game, Smite is (or at least used to be)

Range 24", Strength 4, AP 2, Assault 4.

This is fairly similar to a Storm Bolter:

Range 24", Strength 4, AP 5, Assault 2.

Does this seem to be a fair compromise i Deathwatch, to treat Smite as a weapon the same way as the Avenger power does (using the revised weapons):

Class: Pistol, Range: 100m, Rate of Fire: S/(PR)/-, Damage: 1d10+9 E, Penetration 10, Special: Tearing, Psychi Power

As a pistol, the Psyker can use it to make a Standard Attack in close combat. However, it's best use is at range.

It's got the same range as a Storm Bolter.

The Rate Of Fire lets the potential of the power scale with Psy rating.

It does the same damage (Pen not withstanding) as bolt weapons.

Penetration is in line with plasma weapons (also AP 2 in the table-top game).
