Overrun question!

By poweranimal2, in Dust Warfare Rules Discussion

Overrun seems like awesome ability for mechs like Loth and is charge move.

I'm coming into the game with Warmachine hordes mindset but when a model moves through a unit in this game and ends over models, they are pushed out until they are 1 inch away?

Hard to wrap my head around in it when I'm comparing it to trample in warmahordes.

Friendly soldiers can freely move through friendly soldiers. Vehicles cannot move through friendly soldiers. Vehicles can move through enemy soldiers and cause the overrun rules to come into play. Yes they would be moved 1`away by the shortest route and overrun suppression rules kick in. Its all in the book. Welcome to Dust warfare….

… Unfortunately, no warjack like slam moves here, lol.

Thanks for the quick response!

Now to test it out this weekend.

Friendly vehicles may move through friendly soldier models but doing so incurs an overrun.

"When a Vehicle moves through a unit of Soldiers (either friendly or enemy) it causes an overrun." DWCR pg37.

The move restriction only applies to friendly soldiers moving through vehicles (which they cant do) DWCR pg 36.

I stand corrected… That'll teach me to answer rules questions without looking at the rulebook. I guess I never considered overrunning my own team before. Being more of an allied player, I am used to just jumping over my teammates. It never occurred to me to overrun my own team, but now lightbulbs are going off. I can see myself intentionally overruning a friendly unit that is on an objective on the last turn of the game just to give them the cover bonus and keep them alive against the enemy's last chance at shooting them so that they stay alive and keep the points for capping the objective… yes, I can see some real reasons to use this in the future (rubs hands togther and cackles a Muahahaha)…

… I've been playing since the warfare book first released and I'm still learning new things… Nice catch Doom. I should actually read the rulebook through again. I haven't read it in months thinking I had all the rules down… It makes me think what other rules I read and then forgot.


Here is a twist on this we ran into a few days ago.

If you have a solo hero (in this case Rhino, as the rest of the hammers had died), that solo hero cannot be suppressed. So if an enemy vehicle attempts to overrun the hero, the hero will move out the 1" by shortest method, but NOT gain a suppression marker.

Wolvan said:


Here is a twist on this we ran into a few days ago.

If you have a solo hero (in this case Rhino, as the rest of the hammers had died), that solo hero cannot be suppressed. So if an enemy vehicle attempts to overrun the hero, the hero will move out the 1" by shortest method, but NOT gain a suppression marker.


Then you can kiss the vehicle that overran Rhino goodbye.

Continuing with the thread, i got another question to drop about overruns. For the overrun to take effect, is enough for the vehicle to end its movement less than 1´´ from the enemy, or does it have to cross over a enemy miniature?

Thanks in advance!!

It just needs to be less than one inch away which forces the soldier unit to move. Any soldier unit that is less than 1 inch during or at the end of a vehicles movement is affected by the overrun rule.

"A Vehicle may move through enemy Soldier units. It is not required to maintain a distance of 1” during its movement, or at the end, from enemy Soldier units. When a Vehicle moves through a unit of Soldiers (either friendly or enemy) it causes an overrun. If the vehicle would end its movement within 1” of any Soldier miniature, that miniature must move the minimum distance to be at least 1” away from the vehicle, by the shortest route possible.." DWCR pg.37