Starship and Vehicle Feedback Thread

By FFG_Sam Stewart, in Game Mechanics

Zar said:

How compatible is the X-Wing miniature game and the RPG? Will I be able to transfer a pilot's skills and talents over to a miniature and go to town in a big epic fight? If I can't do this, then I have to ask why this wasn't impemented.

And XWing gunnery is based upon the weapon.

Really, X-Wing and EotE are 2 different games. X-Wing is a strategic game of dog-fighting, while EotE is a RPG. There would need to be a whole lot of adaptation to be made in order to use the X-Wing game in place of the abstracted combat of EotE. However, I could see someone doing just that, adapting rules to use the X-Wing minis instead. But making X-Wing adaptable to an RPG would be a total mistake, as X-Wing on itself would NO LONGER work, The PCs are not equal to the NPC, it's the story of the PCs.