Calgary Area Highlander Tournament

By HappyDD, in Warhammer Invasion Organized Play

People don't like buying 3 copies of the Core Set, and those same people feel like they are at a disadvantage when they show up to a tournament. To make everyone happy we are going to host a Highlander tournament in Calgary!

Place: The Sentry Box, Calgary, AB.

Time: High Noon

The rules: The only additional rule is that your deck cannot contain more than one copy of any card. All rules, restrictions and bans still apply.

Format: Contingent on attendance.

Prizes: TBA, but first time players will be given a collectible bundle of things that we have left over from regionals and league kits while quantities last.

But wait, if I can only have one copy of each card, why bother with the banned/restricted list?

Because, shut up, that's why. The fact that you can't bring Visit the Haunted City in a game where people have turned decks means that card might be potentially devastating if it comes up against a Highlander deck. Furthermore, losing to a deck with a bunch of restricted and banned cards might not be fun for everyone.

What if I don't have a deck? What if I have never played Invasion? What if I'm scared?

Come anyway, we can lend you one and teach you the game. The only way to overcome your fears is to confront them. We are all fun-loving adults and welcome people of any age or persuasion.


Date: September 1, 2012

This will be a lot of fun. Rethinking strategy and revisiting cards that haven't seen play for a while will make for a fresh feeling environment.

I will be there. Hopefully the format will let me get back into the game without too much public humiliation happy.gif

If you are seen with us then public humiliation is a guarantee!