Deathmatch Map 2

By Dam the Man, in Doom

So, I got the expansion this week and while I went over the maps in the booklet, noticed something funky (in a bad way). DM Map 2 calls for 2 rooms that are 10 by 5 space, each with 3 exits. I've never had 2 of those rooms, I have 1 that fits the bill and 1 10x5 with 2 exits (used for example as the Red Key room in base game scenario 1). Since the "holes" don't have anything in them, won't be a big deal to use the 2 exit room as one of the rooms, but seems odd they let that error go. Or am I in fact missing a floor piece?

No you're not missing anything, the map's bugged. Use the both of the pieces and for the one with 3 exits, cap the center one and place a 2x1 wall on it.

Check the notes of the mission. Maybe it says it was intended to be used by 2 players. Who both own a Doom boardgame set.

CRasterImage said:

Check the notes of the mission. Maybe it says it was intended to be used by 2 players. Who both own a Doom boardgame set.

DM maps don't really have notes (okay, so there are a few bits and pieces relating to the special events in said map). Also, you'd need 2x Doom + 1x Expansion to play sorpresa.gif ? Who's been smoking and what gui%C3%B1o.gif ?