Desperately seeking P27, Disrupted Plans

By Thursday, in 5. AGoT Trade Forum

I am looking to buy or trade for this card, and am willing to give up a fair amount for it.

I am offering some combination of the following:


Stark stone house card (portrait design)

Lannister stone house card (portrait design)

Baratheon stone house card (landscape design)

Greyjoy crystal house card

The War of Five Kings sealed chapter pack

Ancient Enemies sealed chapter pack

(may be able to provide other Clash of Arms chapter packs on request)

1x all cards in Kings of the Sea

1x all cards in Princes of the Sun

A wide variety of CCG singles

Circle of Spies promo deck

My email address is alex_oshea (AT) hotmail (DOT) com. If you know of anyone that might have Disrupted Plans, please let them know I am interested.

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