Dust Tactics Addenda
CHANGES TO STATS: Unless otherwise mentioned there is no change to the rule.
RANGED WEAPONS: is the normal Dust range x6"or 12cm= the weapons range.
Unlimited range is still unlimited. Artillery has no minimum range.
Movement: is the regular dust movement rate x4" or 8cm per movement action taken.
Unit cohesion: Unit cohesion for infantry is 2". The size of the unit and number of units in the unit is the same.
Vehicles or independent models are considered to be units unto themselves and therefore do not have to maintain cohesion.
The types of movement different terrain features represent on the board should be discussed and defined before the game begins
Easy going: This is open fields, roads, fords. All units move as normal.
Rough going: This is rough broken terrain, snow, mud, sand, shallow rivers and streams. All units accept fliers, hover vehicles, and units with the Jump Skill, may only move half their normal movement rate while in Rough going.
Impassable: This is cliffs, lava, swamps, deep gullies, rivers and streams. Impassable terrain may only be crossed by flyers. Units with the jump skill may pass over Impassible terrain as long as they have enough movement to Passover it in one turn.
Moral: Once a player has lost 60% of his entire force he or she must make a moral check to continue playing at the end of each turn.
To pass the moral check the player must roll 2 out of 3 bulls eyes on 3 dice. If the moral check is passed the game continues as normal. If it failed the player must begin to withdraw all of his surviving forces of his deployment board edge.
Alternately the layer that failed the moral check may admit defeat and end the game.
V.K. Ore:
Small ore is equal to a tank trap.
Large Ore is equal to an impassable terrain.
Forest Tiles:
1. Blocks Line Of Sight, except for a unit occupying the space.
2. Units adjacent to a forest tile may see and engage a unit in the forest tile.
3. Once a unit attacks from a forest tile it may be seen and attacked normally. (The unit's weapons fire has given its position to the enemy.)
4. Blocks Vehicle Movement
5. No Cover Elements may be placed on this tile
6. Provides Soft Cover for Infantry Units.
7. Dozer blades may remove one tile of forest terrain per movement action used.
*8. Forests may not set on fire flame throwers or any other weapons.
*For those that must Kill Trees, the alternate forest fire rules.
1. Phasers, Lasers, Flamethrowers, and Molotov Cocktails, may start forest fires.
2. A fire is considered to have started whenever one of the above weapons is used
on a forest tile or on the models in it.
3. A unit occupying the forest tile must move out of it during its next activation or suffer 1+ hit per model in the unit.
4. At the begging of each turn roll 1 dice for every forest tile that is adjacent to the forest fire tile. If a hit is rolled the fire has spread to this adjacent tile.
5. Once a forest tile is on fire it is considered to be an impassable terrain marker for the rest of the game.
6. The fire may not be put out.
Jersey Barriers functions the same as tank traps.
Barbed Wire Stats: Infantry-3, Wounds-3, Damage Resistant.
Bunkers give any unit inside of them hard covers and damage resistance. If the unit already has damage resistance then the unit may save on blanks with its damage resistance roll. Bunker otherwise function like building for all other game purposes.
Alternate Battlefield Conditions
Hidden Movement:
Players may opt for hidden movement at the begging of a game. This will limit the "Gods eye view", as well as simulate the "Fog of War".
Players will use numbered blank counters to represent each of their units. They may also use one third more counters to further confuse the enemy. Players write down the unit that each counter represents on a piece of paper. Players begin the game moving these counters just like a regular unit.
Spotting Checks:
At the end of the each movement phase, players may make a spotting check. Models have a spotting distance equal to the range of their weapons. Only one spotting roll may be made per unit per turn. If the unit has several types of weapons, use the one with the greatest range as the spotting distance. If the hidden counter is within range, the player rolls one dust dice. If a bull's eye is rolled the hidden unit has been spotted. The player controlling the hidden counter must then deploy the unit it represents, or reveal it as a fake.
Night Fighting:
Units may spot enemy units at a maximum range of 4 squares,24" or 96cm. If the unit posses some sort of night vision technology they may spot as normal.
Reserve Deployment:
Some scenarios may require troops to enter the board from reserve, or at staggered times. This is simulated as follows. No reserves will arrive on turn one of a game. Starting on turn two roll one die for each unit that is in reserve. On a bull's eye the unit may deploy this round.