The stats for it are in the Zverograd campaign book. While in the statline it does not have a (2) beside Schwer Flammenwerfer in the entry for it above where the statlines are under weapons it lists "Schwer Flammerfwerfer (F), Schwer Flammerwerfer (F)". So it shows that there are two different weapons in the front arc… so yes, it is 2 seperate weapons, which is why you can use combined shots to just shoot it as one weapon with increased range as opposed to 2 seperate weapons if you choose. Welcome to Dust Warfare! Now, back to the Front!
So what are the haps at GenCon?
Shadow4ce said:
One would expect a company which sells terrain for the game they are promoting would have used said terrain. I'm flabbergasted the tables weren't full of the modular buildings on the Premium Playmats DW side up.
In fairness, they did use the Zverograd buildings, just one big one per table.
The playmats are a little on the smallish side, and two would not cover a 4x6 table. I would pay money for a Premium play mat that did.
The fact that 2 playmats is slightly smaller than a 6'4 table is one of the main reasons why I think I want to get a pair of them. I have decided I don't want to mess with my Citadel realm of battle table but I do want an urban ruins themed table for warfare so I am going to get the playmats. What put it over the top for me is the fact that they don't quite cover the entire 6'4 surface which gives me just enough room for my cards, tokens/markers and other gaming essentials like my water bottle or bottles (depending on how thirsty I am, ,lol) and other gaming detrius.
Strombole said:
The stats for it are in the Zverograd campaign book. While in the statline it does not have a (2) beside Schwer Flammenwerfer in the entry for it above where the statlines are under weapons it lists "Schwer Flammerfwerfer (F), Schwer Flammerwerfer (F)". So it shows that there are two different weapons in the front arc… so yes, it is 2 seperate weapons, which is why you can use combined shots to just shoot it as one weapon with increased range as opposed to 2 seperate weapons if you choose. Welcome to Dust Warfare! Now, back to the Front!
Hmm. That is a good point. Though damage wise it makes it as nasty as the Allies Heavy with flamethrower (I'm at work so can't remember specific names…the Fireball I think), though only 8 inch range when using them as separate weapons vs the 12 inch of the fireball. I guess that is a pretty fair trade off though, vulnerability to reactions.
Major Malfunction said:
Shadow4ce said:
One would expect a company which sells terrain for the game they are promoting would have used said terrain. I'm flabbergasted the tables weren't full of the modular buildings on the Premium Playmats DW side up.
In fairness, they did use the Zverograd buildings, just one big one per table.
The playmats are a little on the smallish side, and two would not cover a 4x6 table. I would pay money for a Premium play mat that did.
Yeah, I bought one so far. Plan on getting three more. Four of them are just under 4'x6' which is perfect for our FLGS tables which have 1.5" metal borders on their 8'x4' tables. They are 33"x22" which makes four of them 66"x44" - 6" shy of 6' by 4" shy of 4' - perfect for my needs.
Ya, I keep saying I need two but I what I need is four… brain fart….