Use a modified version of Called Shot

By Frankie, in Game Mechanics

-20BS/WS to attack a specific location. You can autofire a specific location, but it still follows the Multiple Hits Charts (IE: five shots from full auto on Called Shot: Body won’t all go on the Body).

I liked how DHs' Called Shot was just a modifier, but I'd also like it if you can autofire.


Are you asking a question? I don't understand the point of what you're saying, could you clarify?

No, it's a request to change Called Shot back into a modifier instead of its' own action, but also allow autofire when doing Called Shot.

Any particular reason why this change is needed?

Frankie said:

-20BS/WS to attack a specific location. You can autofire a specific location, but it still follows the Multiple Hits Charts (IE: five shots from full auto on Called Shot: Body won’t all go on the Body).

I liked how DHs' Called Shot was just a modifier, but I'd also like it if you can autofire.

Back in the DH rulebook, the rule for Called Shots specifically stated that you cannot make called shots while making semi or full auto bursts. Check your sources.

Here are some :)

JuankiMan said:

Back in the DH rulebook, the rule for Called Shots specifically stated that you cannot make called shots while making semi or full auto bursts. Check your sources.

Not that I would have an issue with it being single shot only. Why they didn't just make it that, rather than a Full Action that renders them nearly useless, I am not sure.

borithan said:

JuankiMan said:

Back in the DH rulebook, the rule for Called Shots specifically stated that you cannot make called shots while making semi or full auto bursts. Check your sources.

Did it? I have had the rulebook since it came out and I don't remember seeing it anywhere.

Not that I would have an issue with it being single shot only. Why they didn't just make it that, rather than a Full Action that renders them nearly useless, I am not sure.

Page 198, Combat Circumstances, and I quote: "Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill Tests made to hit a specific location are Hard(-20). Note that you cannot make Called Shots when firing a weapon on semi-automatic or full automatic fire."

Well the difference between a single shot and a Called Shot is that one is quicker and doesn't care where it hits and the other takes longer to strike a smaller target and/or object. The difference of striking someone in the body most likely or their unarmored head.

Sorry for necro'ing.

IMO, you should be able to use semi and full-auto with called shot.

For Full-Auto, you'd end up with -30BS to hit, and it's not like they'd all hit the same location anyway. What matters is the first shot, which should hit the spot you Called.

technically how can you aim and not make a called shot?

"Aim" just means you're not shooting from the hip.

It's like using Left Trigger to Zoom when you're playing shooters on your xbox. It doesn't mean you're going for a headshot.

Though you make a good point, most militaries train you to aim for centre-mass, which in a sense is a Called Shot to the body, Their motivation for doing so, though, is not reflected in the rules. In RL, aiming for Centre Mass increases your chance of a hit. In game terms, if you miss the Body, you are likely to hit a limb or the head. In game terms, this is not true. Miss a Called Shot to the Body, and you basically miss EVERYTHING.