in my last game, the bomb of Tala created a lot of questions at our game table. The description enables Tala to place the bomb on a circle to detonated it later.
1.) This led directly to the following questions and discussions :
- When is Tala allowed to detonated the bomb ? Only when it is her turn ? Does Overwatch enable her to do it anytime ?
In compare to some other items, can the placed bomb be forced to explode by shooting at it ? This question got imminent, while Barrie Brown attacked a character of mine, standing next to the bomb (so technically Barry would have been able to shoot at the bomb too).
The most important question about the remote bomb is : Why should I place it and wait for someone to run into it ? Due to its non-blocking nature, its even not so usefull to block an item or path with it. For me, the only use could be to save my entrence point, which is worth 5 points in "King of the Hill" game.
How can I make use of the bomb as remote in a usefull sense ?
2) An issue, which I could not clearly solve with the rulebook is according to melee attacks. Am I forced to conduct a melee attack while standing adjecent to another character, or can I still attack him with ranged weapons if available ?
3.) A specific situation occured, while attacking with Evas Whip. Attacking a union character standing 2 circles away from Eva (so one empty cicrle in between) is possible, but is this still allowed around a corner and through a door ? Playing the Castle map, and starting from the stairways entrance, there are directly two doors. Passing the first one, entering the purple-like long floor path, the uper situation might occur. As the attack of Eva is still a melee attack, even while not adjacent to her opponent, the attack might be carried out even through a door. The most difficult question was: If it would be allowed to attack through one door (when the path is connected), can I attack even to two doors, like it would be possible on the Castle map ? It might be a wired, but I think, that it is possible to hit somebody with a whip through an open door, even while standing 90 degrees rotated to it. I hope this questions is not to strange, but the situation occured 3 times in a game :-)
4.) Playing a 3 Command point game mode, like "King of the Hill" , it is possible to bring constantly reinforcements with new grenades or different packs. If some captures any point (action, entrypoint or objective) he has to end the turn of the "leading" character. When capturing the entry point, this rule hit me hard. The enemy can bring in reinforcements which are able to attack my leader with everything they can, in case they player wins the initiative roll. Should this still played this way and is there really no limit to reinforcements (the old rules limited it to still one reinforcement per troup).
Thanks for all your support. This game is awesome!