Death Angel App?

By peterstepon, in Death Angel

I have been playing Elder Signs Omens on my Andriod and love it. Can we expect to see more fantasy flight games on Android? I thought that Death Angel would be a great game to convert. In fact, it would be great if FFG would convert a whole bunch of their games to app mode. Is there any news or progress on this?

A friend and I playing the other night were saying the exact same thing, I would definitely pay for a mobile version of Death Angel. I don't think there's anything announced, but I would love to hear something :-D

I think this is an awsome idea. I have played houres upon houres of Elder Signs: Omens, and I think I would use the same amount of time with a Death Angle App.

In Fact. I think FFG should make Android/iOs apps of many of there games. And I think that would hit up a different market than they do today. Or what do you guys think? Is Android/iOs games a way to get people into bordgames?

I would play this app if they had one for Death Angel, but I'd hate to see the app overshadow the hardcopy game. It'd be nice for quick easy single player, but in my opinion the game really does shine when you get a bunch of people playing it together, interacting. Although some people may be turned onto the game through the app, sometimes you run the risk of people only playing the app version.

For me, I'd love the app because I'm on the road a lot, and often have time to kill where I can't bring the game itself. So for this, the app would be great. But for me, it'd never come close to getting together with a group and playing the actual game.