Drug Addiction, overdose, tolerance and withdrawl.

By ieatdeadpeople2, in Rogue Trader House Rules

Fantasy flight games has provided several consumable drugs for RT but neglected to provided rules for them beyond their initial effects. Drugs are probably one of the most interesting facets of the world and a great character flaw for a PC.

Just as in real life there should be consequences and benifits for a character who uses these substances. While morphine can provide relife from pain and make life saving surgerys possible it's darker side is the potential addiction it can bring to the one who uses it.

Psychadelics can provide clarity to those studying the mind as to how it works and to users it can provide profound life altering experiances, unlocking thoughts and ideas you would never have come to without them. Once again the dark side is the bad trip or at worst permenant madness.

Opioids and other downers: (Morphine, Heroine, Glimmer) These drgus provided relife from pain both physically and emotionally. Using them provides a feeling of total calmness and content. Overdose can lead to cardiac and respiratory arrest. Highly addictive, regular users run a high risk of becoming dependent.

Overdose : If a character consumes more than half their toughness bonus of doses of these drugs (i recognise that differing amounts are required for different people and that even what one person describes as being high is subjective but for game play purposes we will ignore this) they begine to suffer drowsiness. take a toughness test or suffer a level of fatigue and an additional level for each degree of failure.

Taking more than the toughness bonus results in unconciuosness which they will remain in for one hour. The character must take a toughness test for each dose taken past their toughness and each test failed results in another hour of unconsiuosness. Ingesting double a characters toughness bonus results in death.

Addiction : Taking a drug regularly for more than a number of weeks equal to double your toughness bonus forces a character to take a toughness test, a failure results in addiction, a -10 modifier is applied to the test for each week past your toughness a character has been taking the drug.

Addiction can result from recovering from injuries so if a character sustains critical damage and has to spend a few months recovering yes they can become addicted.

Being addicted means having to pass a will power test everyday you dont want to take the drug or suffer withdrawl. For each number of weeks that are double your toughness bonus a character has to fail a toughness test or require double the dose to satisfy their urge. the first time this happens add one to thier toughness bonus for purposes of calculating overdose to represent tolerance but the afterwards they gain no bonus. i.e a characer who fals unconcious after 4 doses now fall unconsious after 6.

Eventually a charater can end up being forced to take life threatening doses.

Withdrawl : Trying to come off it means passing a willpower test every day , a successful medicae test means a charter gains a +20 bonus to this test. Once a character has spent 5-TB weeks not taking a drug they are considerd free of it. But while withdrawing characters suffer -10 to all tests.

Amphetamines and Uppers: (Cocain, Speed Stims etc) Stimulants provide an feeling of euphoria to those taking them and a sense of being immune to danger.

Overdose: Same as for downers except instead of suffering fatigue users suffer -10 to tests due to tremors, so overdose does not result in unconsiousness. If a user passes thier toughness bonus with doses they suffer hallucinations roll on the halicinatory grenade chart. Death results in the same way as stated above.

Addiction: Same as stated above. Addtionally Each week addicted test willpowrr on a failuer the user gains 1d10 insanity.

Withdrawl: Same as above except the user gains the light sleeper and paranoia talents until they recover.

Psychadelics (LSD, Psilocin, Giest etc…)

Overdose: If more is injested than a characters willpower bonus that character must test willpower or gain 1d10 insanity

Addiction: Not possible

Repetative use: While these drugs cannot develop a dependance repetative use will result in damage, Using these drugs more than a persons willpower bonus forces a charater to pass a willpower test or gain 1d10 insanity. A character using giest who fails also gains psy rating 1.

Alcohol: Same in every way to opioids except two doses of alcohol counts as one of opiods i.e. if a characer needs 4 opium doses to fall unconcious they need 8 of alcohol to fall unconcious (jesus what a light weight)

I appologise for any typos, I'm to lazy to fix them