Deformed Models

By McScrotington, in Dust Tactics General Discussion

Has anyone had the problem of receiving models that are deformed or have deformed pieces? I recently got the medium assault walker box and the pieces to make it into a steel rain were deformed. What do you do to fix this?

Sorry, would need more info than that to help out or even better a photo. You should contact FFG and get a replacement though.

go to and fill out the forum there, make sure to send them a pic of the damaged parts and they will send a replacement. but I have to say I have 100's of dust minis and I have only had about 3 defects.

Hey, I have these models where it looks like the guy is slipping on a banana peel…

Algesan said:

Hey, I have these models where it looks like the guy is slipping on a banana peel…

And the allies were issued the banana peel, a most deadly weapon. And the war was won in a matter of weeks….

And then the Marcus came and banana wielding became even more dangerous than using a flame-thrower:D