sniper for ssu has the widowmaker gun, it says you cant make armor saves against it, could it take out a vehicle, seems kinda crazy a sniper taking out a tank lol
sniper vs. vehicles
VelosaRaptor said:
sniper for ssu has the widowmaker gun, it says you cant make armor saves against it, could it take out a vehicle, seems kinda crazy a sniper taking out a tank lol
Yes, that's correct. I believe even the fluff states that the rifles are powerful enough to punch holes in lightly armored vehicles.
Ignore the fluff and read just the rules for the rifle itself all they have is the Penetrator ability. The only time it ignores armor saves is if a unit that has the Sniper ability is using it. Like "Jnetzi" SSU Sniper squads if a "Ohotniki" SSU Rifle Squad has them then you still get armor saves. As for Snipers ignoring tank armor may I point you to Angela in the Axis. She has the sniper ability and gets more dice against tanks then the SSU Widowmaker rifle does, plus she has Frenzy which means for every hit she score she gets an additional dice to role. She can easily take out a Vehicle 4 walker in one round of shooting without them getting an armor save. Also the nice thing is the SSU snipers don't have the spotter rule so at most they will only put out one wound on a vehicle and their rifles are a shorter range then most snipers 30" VS the standard 36" in Axis and Allies.
VelosaRaptor said:
sniper for ssu has the widowmaker gun, it says you cant make armor saves against it, could it take out a vehicle, seems kinda crazy a sniper taking out a tank lol
Its reference to soviet anti-tank rifle PTRS (PTRD) I think. German army has same type but not so powerful. Round of 14.5 caliber have enough energy for penetrate armour of tanks WWII