Regroup order a better version of Blitzkrieg?

By tapierscheisse, in Dust Warfare Rules Discussion

It’s always good to reread your rules Book, after you have a little bit of experience.

A friend of mine found this little gem:

The ordered unit removes all of its Suppression and Reaction markers (see “Reaction Markers” on page 35 and “Suppression Markers” on page 46). It may then have new Unit Leader designated. Lastly, every miniature that is not the Unit Leader may move up to 6”, following normal movement rules.

Let’s analyse this order
- Remove Suppression & Reaction marker
- designate new Leader
- Move every non Leader Miniature 6”

The last sentence is what really makes that order shine

It effectively makes the Regroup order a Blitzkrieg order, leaving the unit Leader behind.

I guess this was not what the authors had in mind, but you can use this order to effectively move your unit 5” towards your enemy.

Why 5”? Because, if you are not within 6” if your leader (which is 5” apart”) you have to regroup in the Unit phase and thus go back until you are in Command Range.

True or did I miss something?
Is Regroup the rich man’s version of Blitzkrieg?
FAQ this one if I am correct, because it seriously breaks the game!

Obviously last sentence is non standalone rule, but part of designation new Leader. It will be great if you emailed this to FFG for clearing and adding to FAQ.

Forget about the 5". It's bull. You have to stay within 6" of your leader and that's it.

I would suggest something like that:

… Lastly the unit may Move out of Formation miniatures , as detailed on p 32 to regain Unit coherency.

that would be more to the Intention of the rule.

Bravo! its about time somebody else figured out this exploit. Kinda funny when a SSU 11 man blob has a 23 inch threat range and rolls 28 dice vs infantry 2.

tapierscheisse said:

I would suggest something like that:

… Lastly the unit may Move out of Formation miniatures , as detailed on p 32 to regain Unit coherency.

that would be more to the Intention of the rule.

I have a suspicion that this was the intent, as it makes the most sense. This would allow you to designate a leader and move the unit into proper range of the new leader.

I think they knew it'd be exploited. It's really not all-powerful, and I'd still prefer Blitzkrieg. This order only effects units within 12" of the Command Squad's leader, and doesn't allow you to move the single most important miniature required for LoS purposes, the unit leader. It sounds great in paper and my group figured it out the day the rulebook dropped. In actual play, it's been situational at best.