
By icevvind, in Dust Warfare Rules Discussion

Core Rulebook states in the page 116 under "Blitzkrieg" that: "Once per Command phase, the Command Section of a Sturmgrenadiere platoon may issue one “Blitzkrieg!” Order to one unit in their platoon.

But in page 50, in the picture, the cloud from the zombies says: "These Axis Zombies make good use of the force’s special “Blitzkrieg” order.

So, im wondering, how is it? As far as i know we cant have Zombies in a Sturmgrenadiere Platoon… :S

As play testing occurs rules get changed… a LOT, and they probably had that page made during play testing and development of the book. Follow the rules for what the order stats.

I was just about to write a post about this. Is there any official clarification on this?

Yes, the rule book, it cleary states the order is limited to the platoon so sadly we can't blitz zombies, though gorillas are a valid option.

Yes, it certainly does. It also demonstrates the order with zombies which would be impossible under the rules as written.

I'm pretty sure the order is as written in the Kommandotrupp section. Still, it's the only order a command section can give to another unit in the game that is only able to be used by the members of the command section's platoon. So there is a chance that there might be a mistake and some official clarification one way or another would be greatly appreciated.

I'm new to these boards but I get the impression this is not the place to look for official answer. Is there somewhere else where I could get an official ruling on things of this nature?

You can Email FFG and get a rule clarification from Zack or go to the support page and download the FAQ though it will not have the answer for this particular question. Also Zack, will probably just tell you that the example was from playtesting and rule itself is correct but feel free to post the response on the forum.