Units and Victory points

By icevvind, in Dust Warfare Rules Discussion

I got a doubt about playing for "Eliminate the Enemy"

The victory conditions tells that a unit led by a hero, if the hero is killed it doesnt gives extra victory point…

But the rulebook states that if a unit is destroyed when leaded by a hero and he stands, the hero becomes a solo unit…

So, what do you guys think about it? the Battle Builder option tells about killing the Hero while any other mini of that unit is alive, or maybe its under any circumstance?

actually I think if the hero was part of a unit and the unit is killed and the hero is still alive… you don't get any VP until the hero is dead…

by the rules the hero becomes it's own unit for suppression rules… but I believe in the rules… I will double check, that it says this last until a medic heals a member of the original unit (which were all dead) hence putting the hero back into the original unit because he's still a part of that unit… seems very confusing :)

You are correct. For suppression purposes and other rules interactions, the hero is an army of one. However, a successful Medic check brings back a member of the unit, so no VP until the entire unit, hero and any Commissar type attachments included, is eliminated.

That's why in eliminate the enemy concentrate all fire on their beobachter/observer team! Quick VP! gui%C3%B1o.gif

Shadow4ce said:

You are correct. For suppression purposes and other rules interactions, the hero is an army of one. However, a successful Medic check brings back a member of the unit, so no VP until the entire unit, hero and any Commissar type attachments included, is eliminated.

So if you have a squad + hero, and then the entire squad is destroyed, can you still bring back one miniature of that squad with a medic? I was under the impression that you could not, but am not totally sure.

felkor said:

Shadow4ce said:

You are correct. For suppression purposes and other rules interactions, the hero is an army of one. However, a successful Medic check brings back a member of the unit, so no VP until the entire unit, hero and any Commissar type attachments included, is eliminated.

So if you have a squad + hero, and then the entire squad is destroyed, can you still bring back one miniature of that squad with a medic? I was under the impression that you could not, but am not totally sure.

Yes. Given enough lucky medic rolls, you can bring back the whole unit. here are the most relevant rules, Heroes Section, Page 59:

1st Sentence, 2nd Paragragh, Heroes Leading Other Units section reads…

"The Hero is treated as part of the unit for the entire game."

Last Sentence, Heroes and Suppression section reads…

"If a Hero is the last miniature alive in a unit, he immediately removes all Suppression markers and is treated as operating independently for the rest of the game (or until a medic restores a member of his squad)."

Ehm, so… If a hero is leading a squad that is obliterated and he is the last survivor, can a Stumpionere bring zombies back to life for the rest of the squad?. Im asking this cause if alredy done the questing in the forums two weeks ago and the answer was " No, they cant cause the Hero becomes a solo unit"

Zombies can rise, but they will be another unit with 0 VP

icevvind said:

Ehm, so… If a hero is leading a squad that is obliterated and he is the last survivor, can a Stumpionere bring zombies back to life for the rest of the squad?. Im asking this cause if alredy done the questing in the forums two weeks ago and the answer was " No, they cant cause the Hero becomes a solo unit"

Yes, zombies would be allowed… hero is still part of the originial unit and they can be brought back via the rules with a medic.

Thanks guys… I never saw this as being clear in the rules, and Dust Tactics plays it the other way. I like the idea of still being able to bring them back though.