nazgul naming problem

By richsabre, in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game

i have been thinking, given that we only have two 'unique' nazgul, being the witch king and Kamul the easterling…how are FFG going to get round this? ive noticed other games have given them names, and these annoyingly have seemed to reach almost official status despite (and correct me if im wrong here but i dont think i am) tolkien never naming any others or giving any other clues.

of course they could just name them all nazgul and give them different artwork and release them in different packs, but something tells me they wont do this (though id prefer it if they did)


Hm, good point. MECCG had the well-worked-out MERP background to draw on for its named Nazgul. The other TLOTR game game them numbers, not names (eg Ulairi Nertea = Ninth Nazgul), but in Quenya so they looked like names.

We already have "Nazgul of Dol Guldur" so maybe that is the way they will go - epithets/descriptions, not invented names.

PS it is at least possible that there is a third named Nazgul in the book, namely "Gothmog Lieutenant of Morgul". Personally, I think he was some other type of creature, but there is no clear evidence either way.

yes i did not consider gothmog as previously i have looked at the evidence for what he/it was and believe it to be a man, though as you say no evidence either way. its probably going off topic to explain why i think an evil man but theres not alot happening on this thread…..

it could be either

an orc - i doubt the WK would trust an orc to be lieutenant of morgul (which after all is rather higher than a commander of a tower such as cirith ungol) so i dont believe it was an orc

a nazgul - maybe, though the nazgul were more saurons shock troops and agents, not so much commanders of fortresses (with the exception of kamul in dol guldur)

a man- i think it was this- it makes sense, there were many evil men in minas morgul and more so, if my memory serves me well, gothmog threw his evil men into the fight at the pelennor as a last attempt, i think this perhaps points towards a man….

Where in the book is Gothmog being pulled from? I just don't recall any Gothmog in the third age, but I do remember reading about a Balrog named Gothmog in the first age? My memory is a bit rusty so correct me if I'm wrong here.
I do remember there being a Gothmog in the Decipher LOTR TCG, but that was more based off of that orc from ROTK with the mutilated hand, not the books.

Khaden said:

Where in the book is Gothmog being pulled from? I just don't recall any Gothmog in the third age, but I do remember reading about a Balrog named Gothmog in the first age? My memory is a bit rusty so correct me if I'm wrong here.
I do remember there being a Gothmog in the Decipher LOTR TCG, but that was more based off of that orc from ROTK with the mutilated hand, not the books.

there were 2 gothmog's - a balrog in the 1st age and the leader of the forces at the battle of pelennor after the death of the witch king. the aweful over done orc in the film is jacksons idea of gothmog. personally i think it was an opportunity missed for an awesome, dark, evil character, instead of the dude off the goonies

in any case there is only one sentence to work off, and none of it gives a description so it remains to this day a favourite tolkien mystery. i rather like it actually, some things are better left unsaid- lets the imagination do the work


richsabre said:

instead of the dude off the goonies

Don't diss Goonies. Seriously, don't demonio.gif !

richsabre said:

instead of the dude off the goonies

Few things on this forum make me laugh out loud. This was one.

That was fantastic! ^

There is many discussion about what really was the Gothmog the Lieutenant of Morgul. In my opinion he was something like the Mouth of Sauron, a black numenorian.

The wiki list some possibilities.

yes i used to collect GW lotr…thanks for posting those links, it gave me a nice sense of nostalgia haha

those are fine i guess, they allow for each nazgul to be individual whilst not risking any lore mistakes by giving them proper names- i think this is what ffg will do, or perhaps more vaguely, they will do as the 'nazgul of dol guldur' and just do it that way, ie. after khamul and the witch king, (and assuming they have gothmog as a different creature) you could have 'nazgul of barad dur' , nazgul of cirith ungol, nazgul or durthang and so on