Release date?

By lordofexcess, in X-Wing

I have no hope that I'll hear anything on this until AFTER Gencon … but FFG (and I love you guys, you have amazing products) … please tell us more about when and what else you are going to be offering with this license. Currently there is not a Star Wars RPG being made and that is really sort of BS … there has pretty much continuously been a Star Wars RPG in production since the early 1980s and you guys are sitting on the IP now … and haven't even made an annoucement. Beyond that can we get more info on anything you are working on … at all … or at least an explanation of why you can not share that with us?

The Star Wars minis game will be out (A dust tactics like Star Wars game … would be … AWESOME!!)

The Star Wars RPG (a Warhammer 3rd-esq Star Wars RPG would be AWESOME!!)

Perhaps even a Star Wars Descent, Twilight Imperium, Runebound, etc. You guys have many games in your stable o' games that could be re-adapted to the Star Wars Universe and completely kick some major @#@!

So please, please, please … stop trying to break the mold and produce nothing but original stuff … we love the Star Wars IP and you know we'll buy up stuff in droves. SO why you are working on your amazing new stuff why can't you use some of your existing line? We know you don't want to create games that compete with your existing games, per say, but you could do splash releases, even limited edition, games … do a print run of whatever 30k, 50k, 100k units and once those are gone, they are gone … we fans will buy them up and thank you profusely for making them. Come on guys you have an amazing IP and you aren't using it. If it is Lucas Arts that is holding you guys up … can you in a very PC way tell us that … in the absence of that we can only assume that you guys are just dragging your feet and that makes us fanboys very impatient.