Release date?

By lordofexcess, in X-Wing

I have no hope that I'll hear anything on this until AFTER Gencon … but FFG (and I love you guys, you have amazing products) … please tell us more about when and what else you are going to be offering with this license. Currently there is not a Star Wars RPG being made and that is really sort of BS … there has pretty much continuously been a Star Wars RPG in production since the early 1980s and you guys are sitting on the IP now … and haven't even made an annoucement. Beyond that can we get more info on anything you are working on … at all … or at least an explanation of why you can not share that with us?

The Star Wars minis game will be out (A dust tactics like Star Wars game … would be … AWESOME!!)

The Star Wars RPG (a Warhammer 3rd-esq Star Wars RPG would be AWESOME!!)

Perhaps even a Star Wars Descent, Twilight Imperium, Runebound, etc. You guys have many games in your stable o' games that could be re-adapted to the Star Wars Universe and completely kick some major @#@!

So please, please, please … stop trying to break the mold and produce nothing but original stuff … we love the Star Wars IP and you know we'll buy up stuff in droves. SO why you are working on your amazing new stuff why can't you use some of your existing line? We know you don't want to create games that compete with your existing games, per say, but you could do splash releases, even limited edition, games … do a print run of whatever 30k, 50k, 100k units and once those are gone, they are gone … we fans will buy them up and thank you profusely for making them. Come on guys you have an amazing IP and you aren't using it. If it is Lucas Arts that is holding you guys up … can you in a very PC way tell us that … in the absence of that we can only assume that you guys are just dragging your feet and that makes us fanboys very impatient.

Actually, I personally don't assume that FFG is "dragging their feet", but that LucasArts (or whichever Lucas company holds the copyright) is hampering the creative process.

While a Star Wars "Descent" game would be cool … LucasArts might want their game to be very different from a current game, and not a Mod/Re-sculpt of an existing game. From what I gather from talking to the FFG Warhammer folks, it took a while (with a lot of input from GW) to get the design/elements of that game even started, because GW gave some requirements like "it use mechanics like the 2nd Edition", and "it must be different from other mainstream RPGs", etc.

LucasArts might be oding something similar. FFG pitches some suggestions, but LucasArts has the veto power (as well as input) and might be picky. We do know that FFG has been working on a Star Wars LCG, for example, although that appears to have gone 'back to the drawing board' in design … which indicates to me it didn't fulfill LucasArts' requirements and got veto'd at a later stage.

Just my two credits: FFG has already announced that they have RPG rights. Based on how painful it's been waiting for X-wing, I'd rather they hold the silence longer on the RPG so that we hear about it at least a little closer to the release date.

As far as modding existing games, I don't care one way or the other, but by breaking new ground they potentially increase the number of interested parties.

I'm nit-picking here (because you really don't want louse eggs in your hair), but the OP's statement really has little to do with a release date. It's more about where you want to see this licence go with FFG.

For me, I've got enough RPG to last a life time. I'm just excited to try out a SW game in the fixed-distribution style, and I'm stoked we're getting two! Can't wait for this to be released and I'm really looking forward to the LCG.

I gotta say that I am not super excited about a FFG SW RPG. First of all I already own two different rule sets for a SW RPG, and unlike a miniture game, playing a discontinued RPG isn't really that hard. Secondly I am very impressed with FFG's track record with RPGs. I really tried to get behind Anima, but it just really complex, and though I took the time to learn, it no one else in the gaming group really did. Dark Herasy, and Rogue Traders, are really fun games, but not becasue they have a great rule set. In fact the rule set is very clumsey. I assume that Death Watch, Only War, (and whatever the Chaos one is called) use a rule set that is very similar. At this point I would like to point out that FFG isn't really responsible for the rule set's of any of these RPG's they inherited the DH rules when they bought the game, and they are the english translators for Anima. Now I have to mention Warhammer Fantasy. When I first started playing this game I was entranced with the basic mechanics, I had high hopes. But of all the RPGs from FFG this one is the worst. I play DH and RT, despite the rule set, because so much of the rest of the game is fun. I would play Anima, if the other members of my group would be willing to learn the game. But WHF is really bad, maybe it was just my experence playing it, but I don't think I will ever play that game again.

Judging by their track record on rule sets, I just am not that excited for a third Star Wars role playing game.

That's where I have to disagree with you. I think WHF RPG is one of the best, if not the best, RPGs in the market. The mechanics are really simple and easy, especially for new players. All the information is in front of the player, not hidden in a rulebook. The dice, while they can appear to be complex, are actually pretty elegant and can really assist in explaining the results and telling a story. It is one o fhte easiest games I've even demoed to new players, and the mechanics really helped new players get into roleplaying, rather than roll-playing.

I have to say I would much rather prefer a star wars rpg based on whfrp 3rd ed. The 2nd ed, and the 40k games, are an ok rules set, but the combat is so slow and bogged down it wouldnt really feel right for star wars.

e-figures posted that X-wing has been delayed by FFG to September with an early release at Gen Con.

Scroll down to July 19th.

<sigh> My finger hovers above the 'cancel order' button…

THAT'S a good measure of why I haven't placed one yet. See how all this shakes out.

Baphomet69 said:

<sigh> My finger hovers above the 'cancel order' button…

Unless you're on your way to GenCon, what difference will it make?

I'm not going to GenCon, and the difference is I don't like having my chain yanked. FFG should be better than this.

The information that told us that X-wing would come out 2nd quarter is almost a year old, and it was vauge to begin with. I was pretty sure it wouldn't come out until the the end of the summer for quite a while. Sure I would have liked to have it earlier, sometimes things take longer. I would much prefer FFG to delay the release date to make sure its a good game, then to release a game that is not 100% just so they can keep it on some scheduel.

My beef with this is that the game was supposed to be released in the summer of 2012 according to the recent updates leading to the Gen Con announcement. Sure, Gen Con will happen in August, but only a small amount of people can go to that, so to the rest of us, it won't be released in summer, more like Fall. That makes me feel sort of lied to, because when I read "Coming this summer" I read it as "You will be able to play it this summer" which is now a complete fallacy. It's not my fault I have a wedding to go to during Gen Con weekend!

As for them delaying to make a better game, it's already ready to go, unless they are going to sell GenCon attendees a lower quality version. It's a logistics screw-up on their end.

Baphomet69 said:

As for them delaying to make a better game, it's already ready to go, unless they are going to sell GenCon attendees a lower quality version. It's a logistics screw-up on their end.

No it's going to be the same product, but this is the reality of overseas printing/manufacturing. The only way to make the production overseas economical is the ship it by boat. Boats are slow. Due to the production timing the boat won't make it here in time for GenCon. In order to get some product here for GenCon, they're having a pallet airshiped. The reality is that even selling at full retail FFG won't be making any money of the product sold at GenCon due to the shipping cost.

I'm sorry if this is the first game you've eagerly anticipated that this has happened to, but this has been the reality for many games in the last few years from many more companies than just FFG. You don't have to like it, and I know I don't like it, but this is the reality. In 6 months when we've all got the game in front of us as long as it's a good product we won't care about the delays now, and will likely forget about them as it's just a little hiccup in life.

Budgernaut said:

My beef with this is that the game was supposed to be released in the summer of 2012 according to the recent updates leading to the Gen Con announcement. Sure, Gen Con will happen in August, but only a small amount of people can go to that, so to the rest of us, it won't be released in summer, more like Fall. That makes me feel sort of lied to, because when I read "Coming this summer" I read it as "You will be able to play it this summer" which is now a complete fallacy. It's not my fault I have a wedding to go to during Gen Con weekend!

It's not Fall until Sept 22nd. This will probably be close :)

Aahzmandius_Karrde said:

Budgernaut said:

My beef with this is that the game was supposed to be released in the summer of 2012 according to the recent updates leading to the Gen Con announcement. Sure, Gen Con will happen in August, but only a small amount of people can go to that, so to the rest of us, it won't be released in summer, more like Fall. That makes me feel sort of lied to, because when I read "Coming this summer" I read it as "You will be able to play it this summer" which is now a complete fallacy. It's not my fault I have a wedding to go to during Gen Con weekend!

It's not Fall until Sept 22nd. This will probably be close :)

Bimyou da naa.

There's no good translation for that Japanese, but basically it's expressing how borderline that is. Oh well. It won't get here till it gets here.

As for the comments above, I think the comment about a lower quality product at GenCon was in jest. Of course it's the same product (we all agree) and therefore, the comment about the delay being due to touch-ups is falsified. It's a logical argument.

Now, from a certain point of view, one could state that earlier touch-ups lead to delays in manufacturing, causing them to require fast shipping for GenCon and a later retail release. Then we would all be right.

Typically with new products, not yet released and being released at GenCon, this is the case. The company gets a quantity of the product specially shipped (by air) to have for the convention.

The rest are being shipped by boat, which takes a significantly longer time to arrive, as well as longer for incidentals such as customs, unloading, loading for transport to the company, etc. Then, the products are shipped to FFG, who then sorts them and reships the product back out to retailers. There is more time used up there as well.

That is why there is usually a 2-4 week delay between the product being sold at GenCon and the product being available at your FLGS.

Yes, I think we've got the message pretty clear now that this is SOP. Thank you.

What gets me is that on the upcoming products page it still says X-wing is slated for a Q2 release and is at the printer. I wonder if they'll even let us know when it gets on the boats. Actually, I'm pretty sure they'll let us know as soon as that happens. They're a good company.

"Have faith, my love. Everything will soon be set right." --Anakin Skywalker

One benefit to the delay: some of us bought and paid for our preorders so long ago that when we do receive them, it'll seem like we're getting the game for free! lengua.gif

I. J. Thompson said:

One benefit to the delay: some of us bought and paid for our preorders so long ago that when we do receive them, it'll seem like we're getting the game for free! lengua.gif
