paintin' stuff

By Antizombie, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hey all, i decided to paint up some of my shiny new decent stuff since the game is so much fun ( painted figures always make things loads better). I figure I would start with the heroes then if i feel like it i would move onto the red then white monsters.

I invite anyone else who wants to put their painted stuff up to put it here too I like sharing :) .

Here is my first hero, second one is halfway home too.


peace out all,


Jain looks great, awesome job there. I was contemplating making a thread as well for all the figures I've been painting and I guess I'll share mine as well. I've been paiting all the D1e heroes that I got my hands on (minus Alter of Despair). I'll add my links after this post and if anyone is interested in seeing them now, you can go to my instagrid (instagram) page (pst, follow me if you like my paiting skills, I update slowly as I have little time to paint each night).

Thanks CMR i would apreciate your links. Its always cool to see what people are doing and have it in one place.And your stuff looks great btw.

Most of the figures haven't had their bases finished as I'm not sure how I want to handle most of these.















Thanks a lot. I have one trauma story with paiting Zyla. I got to much primer on her and had to strip it the best I could, hence why she didn't come out as great as the others did.

I also changed my painting style a bit a few figures in and now I feel they've come out even better.

My favorites so far are Trenloe, Silhoutte, and Grey Ker

Bah, double replied by accident…


Just finished him but he was started a few days ago.

Got another one done but I don't know who to paint next


Another great one, I like your take on the colors. I'd say work on Leoric or Ashrian.

Coldmoonrising said:

Another great one, I like your take on the colors. I'd say work on Leoric or Ashrian.

Seconding this. Your color schemes are awesome and I'd love to see how you'll differentiate those 3 turquoise characters.

Pierzasty said:

Coldmoonrising said:

Another great one, I like your take on the colors. I'd say work on Leoric or Ashrian.

Seconding this. Your color schemes are awesome and I'd love to see how you'll differentiate those 3 turquoise characters.

The real problem will be me not using my new purples for every single character…

Another one done! choice was courtesy of my wife. Sadly my 2 mp camera doesnt pick up reds very well. Next up is dwarfy


You guys are all so freaking talented. Can I pay you paint all mine?



Thank ye kindly Beoth, He looks great :) . I am not looking forward to painting those large monsters ( cept the dragons). Your guy looks great though I hope mine turn out that well.

Thanks! The big ones are way easier :) More room to move around. If your heroes are any indication, your monsters will come out great.

Just finished Avrel Worldwalker a few moments ago. gran_risa.gif The hardest part with her was mixing her jump suit color. Used a combination of brown, red and purple to get the desired effect.


WOW! She is excellent.

All the models in this thread look stunning! Using my first action to overcome this effect I'll use my second to ask: roughly how long it takes you to paint a model?

Happy gaming (or rather, happy painting) and apologies for the lame joke…

Malicain and Assussani,

Thanks for the complements. I'm always so worried when I start working on the details (once they've had their initial dark colored washed) that they're gonna come out terrible.

When I first started painting them, I was a bit out of practice but once I refined my techniques I've gotten the process down to about 2-3 hours (roughly) depending on how complex the model is. My next painting target is Shiver and he'll probably be rather easy to paint considering he's only shades of dark and light blue.

Once I've finished all of 1st edition, Dungeon Quest, and promo characters (I luckily scored all 4 from the weekend retailer event) I'll be moving on the the 2nd edition heroes. They'll probably take a bit longer considering the amount of detail each model has.

On a side note about my 1st edition heroes, I don't have the 2nd expansion (Altar of Despair), RtL or SoB, so if there so I won't be able to showcase my painting skills on AoD or any characters that may have come from RtL or SoB.

mastrcbaoth said:


All of these are so good…truly…

I wish I had 1/4 of the talent you all possess…

This one, in particular, spoke to me. What an awesome mini…and painted…it just is the end all…

I wish I had this fig!!!!!

I've a question to any painters that have done any of their monsters, specially the big ones like the Ettin here. If you travel with your game and you have your monsters painted, how do you go about transporting them safely?

I currently have blue pluck-foam for my heroes for Descent and Talisman but I'm unsure if I want to bother painting my monsters and how to safely transport them.

Thankfully, to how easy Shiver was to paint, I'll have another figure to post today.


Now we have the other character I painted today. I wasn't happy with the leather Tetherys was wearing, very hard to mix. I actually had a color that was overly green and went back over it with just a brown color scheme. Happier with how she turned out but she's just got dull colors. Still came out okay though.


FInally posting another picture, since the thread was my creation guess i should contribute :P .


With regards to the question about how long it takes to paint, these guys usually take me about 2 hours. I don't spend too much time on them since I have a big pile of commisions waiting for me to get done.

@Coolmoon, You can usually jury rig a transportation method. You have a few options.

1) buy some battlefoam and cut it to the size you want.

2) get some egg crate foam ( the weird looking stuff with cones through out it) and line the bottom of the box with a few layers.

Either way, you will have to ditch the blue insert found inside the box. Personally, if you can get a hold of a macbook box and buy an Econ storage box for the faom ( the warstore sells them) it works great. Thats what i use to carry around my painted Super Dungeon Explore set.