Masochism is the Index of actions

By LCRyan, in WFRP House Rules

I made an index of stuff to make things easier for me, as a GM. It has every action from every expansions of the game along with traits. It has the same for talents, careers, NPCs, item, and location cards. There is more too, but I am too sleepy to recall what exactly. I made it to have a much easier way to parse the vast amount of cards when designing NPCs and campaign events. There are things I wish I would hav added, but it is what it is. I hope someone gets some use out of it.

It is an Excel document stored on my Skydrive to make it easier to take a look at online. Skydrive works better with xls files than Google Drive. There is minimal formatting to make it easier to sort the data, which is what it's really about.

That's impressive, thanks for doing that! It'll be useful for my coding of a library for Fantasy Grounds II.


That is a really really great list!

All Careers, all Action, all NSCs! Great. I know that I ahve most of these cards but with htis list it is much easier to browse them mentaly when trying to bring some monsters and their action together.

Thanks a lot!

Thanks for the kind words. also, please let me know if you end up using it for something cool, I would like to take a peek.

I will update it when there is something to update.

Excellent list.

The link doesn't work anymore. Does anyone still has this document? Maybe even updated?

The link doesn't work anymore. Does anyone still has this document? Maybe even updated?


There is now a document with a complete card-list on .