Sino Soviets Stats for Warfare?

By Robotman2, in Dust Warfare Rules Discussion

Finally picked up some SSU Units and though I enjoy Dust Tactics, my group in San Antonio will be playing Warfare. I can easily convert base stats of movement, armor, and health. I can also use the unit cost as listed. But inevitably will need to use proper costs and abilities as printed in the forthcoming Warfare Zverograd book

Just wondering if anyone in FFG or on here can reveal the "conversion" method from Tactics to Warfare or preview the stats from the Warfare Zverograd book?


Books being released today…

wha??? awesome

There's no conversion method, just random change in weapons. You could use the DT cards as is with appropriate weapon ranges.

Mivement is in increments of 6" per DT square. Weapon ranges appear to be mostly in increments of 4" per DT square, with a minimum of 6" for the 1-square stuff and a maximum of 36" for the Unlimited range DT stuff. But yeah, the official book is supposedly shipping today. Not officially verified yet, but I've seen reports online of two FLGS' claiming they're picking up theirs from their distributors today.

Thanks everyone. I hope to get my hands on it this week here in NY. Read up and then dominate when i return to TX. :P