Regroup Removing Reaction Markers- Am I Missing Something?

By Etna''s Vassal, in Dust Warfare Rules Discussion

So, a friend and I were discussing the rules today, and we're both confused by something. What is the point of the removal of reaction markers when a unit regroups? Am I missing a way for a unit to gain multiple reaction markers? Wouldn't the reaction marker on the unit already have gone away?

I guess this isn't so much a critical needs-to-be-answered-so-we-can-play-the-game kind of question, but this one's really got us stumped.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

If your opponent is the initiating player and destroys one of your transports carrying a squad in his or her command phase, the squad bails out and gets a Reaction Marker.

Page 54 of the rulebook, Carry Capacity Special Ability…
"If a transport is destroyed, any embarked units immediately disembark and gain a Reaction marker."
It's pretty rare, but it happens.

Etna''s Vassal said:

So, a friend and I were discussing the rules today, and we're both confused by something. What is the point of the removal of reaction markers when a unit regroups? Am I missing a way for a unit to gain multiple reaction markers? Wouldn't the reaction marker on the unit already have gone away?

I guess this isn't so much a critical needs-to-be-answered-so-we-can-play-the-game kind of question, but this one's really got us stumped.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

If a vehicle with the Carry Capacity ability is transporting models and gets destroyed the troops inside automatically disembark and receive a reaction marker. It is possible for this to happen in the command phase.

So that's it! Thanks for the answer, we were really perplexed by this one. Thanks for a quick answer.

as a further addition to this thread regarding Regrouping during the Command Phase,

this does not place a Reaction marker on the Unit that is being "regrouped", right?

so does this mean that if you had enough Command points, then you could issue an action to the same Unit that just regrouped?



never mind. just found the answer. only 1 order can be issued to a Unit in the Command Phase so a "regrouped" unit cannot be issued another Command order in the Command phase.



locarno said:

never mind. just found the answer. only 1 order can be issued to a Unit in the Command Phase so a "regrouped" unit cannot be issued another Command order in the Command phase.



Exactly. The rules in this book were actually playtested extensively to make sure wording was clear enough as to not have RAW vs RAI arguments. It is surprising how much is covered in such a small rulebook actually.