Heal action

By Maverickg, in Dust Warfare Rules Discussion

I just played my first full game of Dust Warfare last night. During the game my command squad lost the radioman as my first casualty in the command squad. On my unit phase I wanted to give my command squad a heal action order to revive the lost radioman. This seemed perfectly logical to me. My opponent, a more experienced Dust Tactics and Warefare player informs me that the medic could not target his own unit.

In the rules it says "attempt medical treatment on a target Soldier unit."

Is he correct, this "Soldier unit" cannot be the medics own Unit? Does this have anything to do with Dust Tactics rules, which I have never played?

There is nothing preventing you from targeting the medics Unit with the Heal action.

Yeah, he's mixing up Tactics and Warfare rules. In tactics, the medic cannot heal its own unit. In Warfare, there's nothing against doing so.

Thank you for the clarification on that.

The first rule in our gaming group is "Warfare rule #1: forget everything you know about Tactics" :)

blkdymnd said:

The first rule in our gaming group is "Warfare rule #1: forget everything you know about Tactics" :)

Ditto here. We only have three rules…

  1. Dust Warfare is not Dust Tactics.
  2. You must unlearn the Dust Tactics Rules you have learned.
  3. Dont be a D0^<#€-Rocket!

I wish I could erase tactics from my memory.