By tapierscheisse, in Dust Warfare Rules Discussion

p. 56 – RESERVED states: „…While the unit is off table, it must take a March Move action or take no actions at all”

p. 31 – EXTENDED COMMAND RANGE, concerning Commands from Radioman, states: “…This includes any unit in the force, even those not on the table yet.”

March Move is a double action, which cannot be issued as a command

Question is:

a) The Extended Command range does not concern reserved units in the current ruleset. The rule might become viable in future publications.

b) The Unit on itself can only take March Move actions, but if issued a command, it can enter the table in the Command Phase and still act in the Unit Phase.

The rules do seem to contradict each other, but I'll go for B.

Actually, I believe it would have to be A, because the sentence referenced it the Reserved Rule on page 56 (with parts I'm emphasizing bolded by me) reads…

"While the unit is off the table, it must take a March Move action or take no actions at all."

Since you cannot issue a "March Move Action" as an order in the command phase, the only option left for a reserv unit is to, " take no actions at all."

Also, the Allies Command Squad already has something which uses this rule, the Fire For Effect order, allowing off-board 155mm Artillery strikes. I imagine we'll see off board air-strikes at some future point as well.

The answer is A. Currently there are no units that can issue a March Move in the command phase. I would assume they left it open for possible use later or its a holdover from an earlier revision of the rules (in Tactics its a normal move to enter the board).