Some Questions and help needed from a new GM

By Timofeo, in WFRP Gamemasters

Hello all, I started WHFRP maybe 3 months back but then was sidetracked a bit to play DND 4th since one player was very against playing WHFRP, I have since convinced him to play lol.

I have 7 Players (yes I know its insane, but I am not sure who to cut and would feel bad to do so)

+ I am slightly confused on Attacks, if a Character High Elf Sword Master with Strength 3 attacks a Chaos Warrior with Toughness 6 does he take 3 Challenge Dice? (I believe the answer is yes)

+ I bought the Creature Vault and am Confused as to how much inherent Defense, Example When attacking the same Chaos Warrior how much Defense does he have? For that matter any monster how many misfortune dies do I add for monsters and where do I find the number?

+ Where do I get Mutations and Diseased Special Rules? many chaos cards refer to these but I do not have the rules for them?

+ How does the Dice Budget work I usually have 1-2 Combats that happen a session does every monster get the full budget on the bottom of the card for themselves?

+ Healing is not clear to me, we had a Character Fall Unconscious and take 4 Critical Wounds with Toughness 4 he did not die, so what happens next? none of his allies have Heal Trained, and I assume he heals 4 wounds after fights as normal but then what is he knocked out? I am not sure how the recovery goes at that point.

Thanks I know I had alot of questions

Timofeo said:

+ I am slightly confused on Attacks, if a Character High Elf Sword Master with Strength 3 attacks a Chaos Warrior with Toughness 6 does he take 3 Challenge Dice? (I believe the answer is yes)

+ I bought the Creature Vault and am Confused as to how much inherent Defense, Example When attacking the same Chaos Warrior how much Defense does he have? For that matter any monster how many misfortune dies do I add for monsters and where do I find the number?

+ Where do I get Mutations and Diseased Special Rules? many chaos cards refer to these but I do not have the rules for them?

+ How does the Dice Budget work I usually have 1-2 Combats that happen a session does every monster get the full budget on the bottom of the card for themselves?

+ Healing is not clear to me, we had a Character Fall Unconscious and take 4 Critical Wounds with Toughness 4 he did not die, so what happens next? none of his allies have Heal Trained, and I assume he heals 4 wounds after fights as normal but then what is he knocked out? I am not sure how the recovery goes at that point.

1) An attack is not an opposed action and so the difficulty is one challenge dice (plus targets defense).

2) On the cards in the creature vault the defense is the third number on the right hand side of the card (opposite Agility). So for a chaos warrior it would be 2.

3) Mutations and Disease rules can be found in Winds of Magic and Signs of Faith respectively.

4) For most creatures the ACE budget applies to each creature (or group of similar creatures) and refreshes at a rally step. So a single Gor would have an ACE of 4/2/1 but so would a group of 4 of them. Strangely this means that 4 Gors are not 4 times as tough as a single Gor. The ACE budget is probably the easiest way to tweak an encounter to match your party abilities. If you have seven players you may want to increase the ACE budgets of the monsters to help balance the encounter.

5) First Aid is a basic skill so anyone can have a go. Healing rely almost entirely on rest. If a character is knocked out in a combat and no one can heal them then they will have to be taken somewhere that they can rest. Then they will heal wounds equal to their toughness after a nights rest and also have a chance to remove some critical wounds.

All above answers agreed.

The attack difficulty is the inherent one of course, before Dodge or ACE budget spent (A spent to defend physical and C to defend mental).

Note, you can also get the Mutation (Corruption) and Disease rules in the GM Guide (hardback or pdf).

The ACE budget sharing by all creatures that are the same encourages GM to use a mix of foes. A Gor, a henchman group of Gors, an Ungor, a henchman group of Ungors all have their own ACE budget. A fight with those is more interesting than a fight with a bunch of one type of any of them.

Thanks this helps a lot, I am not sure what got me thinking it was a opposed action and am glad to learn otherwise that makes it alot more sensible.