I like the sound of everything in there, especially adding a 2nd level to the map.
I'll definitely get this. Maybe grab Zverograd, and give the heroes to my buddy, convince him to take the plunge.
I like the sound of everything in there, especially adding a 2nd level to the map.
I'll definitely get this. Maybe grab Zverograd, and give the heroes to my buddy, convince him to take the plunge.
blkdymnd said:
Well yes, and Tony Stark looks just like a regular dude in a suit of heavy armor too…
But there are no other common heavy armoured units in Iron man though, so he is unique. This Russian guy has just nicked a suit from the Hammers and stuck a star on it, it's not unique enough for a hero.
Are you serious?
I think he looks awsome!
Hope the axis will have a superbadass unit like this to..
Yeah, this guy's the first SSU unit that is giving me mild pangs of regret for deciding not to buy into SSU. Not even the choppers did that.
He really is pretty sweet.
I do hope they have some cool Axis / Allies stuff coming out soon though.
KillaRr said:
Isn't that Lara?
Agreed, she is as good as a invidual squad of inf. And has assault and damage resilience, make her armor 4 and tadam! Superhero unit;)
Can't wait to see what this expansion brings.