Operation Hades not for Dust Warfare?

By Grim6, in Dust Warfare General Discussion

The idea looks pretty cool, and Winter Child looks great, but I don't see much value in it for DW players. We have yet to see Zverograd, but DT keeps on chugging along. Kinda disappointing.

The new superhuman hero will certainly be playable in Dust Warfare, although it doesn't sound like it will have much else to entice Dust Warfare players to pick it up, making it a pretty expensive unit.

I'm guessing that the rules for Winter Child will be included in the Op Zverograd book. Makes me even more excited to see it. Maybe there's even more in that book than we suspected. Underground rules sound like a lot of fun for Warfare. I'll start working on a sewer board just in caseā€¦

Winter Child is a sweet model. The fluff/design sounds a lot like Man-Bot from Freedom Force (the awesome video game). I wonder what the Axis and Allies supers will look like?

KevinBakon said:

I wonder what the Axis and Allies supers will look like?

Captain America and The Red Skull. :)

While it'd be cool, I doubt Winter Child will be in Zverograd book. Mack Martin stated in an interview there'd be new expansions every quarter. Hades for DT is scheduled for Q4. I imagine there'll be a DW Hades expansion with underground rules and Winter Child, at or near the same time the DT kit hits. Perhaps the Allies & Axis Supers rules will be in Hades too. It's all speculative at this point beyond underground rules & Winter Child.

Zverograd book should be soon now. So we'll know for sure in the next week or two.

Major Malfunction said:

KevinBakon said:

I wonder what the Axis and Allies supers will look like?

Captain America and The Red Skull. :)

After seeing ironman I'm not surprised if there's an homage to them.