Probably stupid qestion

By WightMutt, in Death Angel

Only started playing but have a question.

The only way to move to a new location is getting a blip pile to 0. When you have a location that has no spawn triangles on it. Is the only way to spawn 'stealers via an event like they are everywhere?

Seems like it take quite awhile to do so.

There are no locations that HAVE a spawn arrow. Those are all found on the Void Lock (starting location) and you use those values for the entire game.

The numbers on the bottom right and left are the new blip pile numbers. The numbers in the triangles are only on initial location based on the number of players/marines and are then used no matter which locations come up.

Dam said:

There are no locations that HAVE a spawn arrow. Those are all found on the Void Lock (starting location) and you use those values for the entire game.

So even when you travel, refer back to the Void Lock card to see how many spawn during certain events. The way I do it is to place the current location on the Void Lock, but raised a bit so that you can still see the spawn values.


The only time that I have had an issue getting 'stealers is when the even card doesn't have the places on the "board", For example, having the door card out, but not having any event cards that come up in order to put a 'stealer on that card. I have had times in which there has been a lull in the game because no place cards on the left and right tell me to put 'stealers on them. This is the only issue that I have had with the game.


wizkid0124 said:


The only time that I have had an issue getting 'stealers is when the even card doesn't have the places on the "board", For example, having the door card out, but not having any event cards that come up in order to put a 'stealer on that card. I have had times in which there has been a lull in the game because no place cards on the left and right tell me to put 'stealers on them. This is the only issue that I have had with the game.


Are you sure you are spawning properly?

1) You travel if either blip pile is empty at the end of a phase, so until location 4 there should always be blip cards remaining on each side.

2) On the event card, each spawn icon refers to both sides of the formation, not one for the left and one for the right. So if the first icon is red with a yellow arrow, then you put a major spawn on each red terrain, regardless of what side of the formation that terrain is on.

The expansion locations sometimes have only 2 colors of terrain, so if the event card only has the other 2 colors there will be no spawn. But in the base game every location will always have at least three colors, so you will have at least one spawn every event phase (until one blip pile is empty at location 4).