GenCon 2012 Tourney

By Aahzmandius_Karrde, in X-Wing

Looks like there's an official tourney at GenCon:

X-Wing will also entry the ranks of Organized play.

Anyone else forsee getting regular events going at your LGS?

I'm a little confused. So is Thursday, August 16th the first day to purchase the game? How can they expect a good tournament with less than 24 hours to prep? Or is this standard gaming procedure?

In answer to your question, I fully expect my local game shop(s) to have X-wing game nights -- and I'm stoked!

Really happy to see they'll be posting the full rules online soon.

Parakitor said:

I'm a little confused. So is Thursday, August 16th the first day to purchase the game? How can they expect a good tournament with less than 24 hours to prep? Or is this standard gaming procedure?

At first I was going to post something like "what's the big deal?", but then I saw that it appears the expansion ships will be tournament legal this go around. That certainly does add a little more complexity. Still, the rules will be available. Rules on basic movement capabilities, fields of fire, and dice probabilities should be the primary focus. Pilots and upgrades can be decided the day of. I hope this game doesn't rely TOO heavily on buying the most toys up front.

Wish I could afford to participate in tournaments, but it'll be tough enough to keep buying FFG's games, let alone travelling to play them.

I'm not very optimistic that my LGS will host tournaments, but I'll be encouraging them anyway (even though I'm not purchasing any products from them).

Where did you hear that the rules will be posted soon? I didn't see that anywhere in the article.

Budgernaut said:

Where did you hear that the rules will be posted soon? I didn't see that anywhere in the article.

I'm pretty sure it's not there, but it would make sense for them to post the rules soon, given that they've announced its GenCon release. (Though one might say the same thing about Android: Netrunner. Time will tell, I suppose.)

It's in there, the 5th bullet point.

Ah. There it is.

In the coming weeks? Grrr, I'm so frustrated with this waiting. First they make it sound like they've got weeks and weeks worth of updates, and then it's silence for two months.

[deep breath]

Well, do you think we can at least take this as a release date? Do you think it will ship to distributors right after Gen Con?

I do not understand why they do not make the event cost $40, and the includes your starter set of the game and the share to GenCon? It saves people standing in line and missing out in the event or not getting the product.

hahnarama said:

I do not understand why they do not make the event cost $40, and the includes your starter set of the game and the share to GenCon? It saves people standing in line and missing out in the event or not getting the product.

I've never been to GenCon, but maybe it's a SLED issue. Does the con host other tournaments with actual entry fees?

They want to get sales going on Day 1 of the show and get some buzz going. Plus moving more product right away means not having to move it, store it, and worry about tourney logistics. They can focus on selling, promoting their product, and having a great show.

Does anyone know the "point" limit for the tournament will be, i.e. 100 pts., 200 pts., etc?
It's not available on the Gen Con event registration page, nor on the FFG release.

SteveSpikes said:

Does anyone know the "point" limit for the tournament will be, i.e. 100 pts., 200 pts., etc?
It's not available on the Gen Con event registration page, nor on the FFG release.

Bullet 4 says "Each player should bring a pre-constructed fleet worth up to 100 points."…

Yeah. I caught that after I posted the reply . . . . D'oh! happy.gif

I suppose point value will largely depend upon the pilots chosen for each ship. Which would mean that a player could flood the table with nameless pilots, or resort to an elite squadron of Rebel or Imperial heroes. It'll be fun to see which route people go with. ^_^

MarthWMaster said:

I suppose point value will largely depend upon the pilots chosen for each ship. Which would mean that a player could flood the table with nameless pilots, or resort to an elite squadron of Rebel or Imperial heroes. It'll be fun to see which route people go with. ^_^

If there's no unit activation limit per turn, nameless TIES with no upgrades seems strong..assuming they're cheap enough. Having all the generic ships move at the same time, and then shoot at the same time is pretty aggressive.

So, I'm trying to get a feel for how big a 100 point team would be, and it's looking pretty massive to me. The lowest level TIE pilot they've revealed costs 3 points, while Luke and Vader cost 9. Then you have weapons that run 3 or 4 points (perhaps more), and I'm guessing the same for droids/tactics. So If you souped everybody up to maximum (about 20 points) you'd be fielding 4-5 ships, and the teams could only get bigger from there. Frankly, that's intimidating. Now, if you're one of those people that pre-ordered two starters and one of each expansion, you're probably set. I, on the other hand, don't think I'm going to be able to afford to be competitive.

Parakitor said:

So, I'm trying to get a feel for how big a 100 point team would be, and it's looking pretty massive to me. The lowest level TIE pilot they've revealed costs 3 points, while Luke and Vader cost 9. Then you have weapons that run 3 or 4 points (perhaps more), and I'm guessing the same for droids/tactics. So If you souped everybody up to maximum (about 20 points) you'd be fielding 4-5 ships, and the teams could only get bigger from there. Frankly, that's intimidating. Now, if you're one of those people that pre-ordered two starters and one of each expansion, you're probably set. I, on the other hand, don't think I'm going to be able to afford to be competitive.

If those numbers are correct, that's worrying. I would expect a "this game came out yesterday, now let's have a tournament" event to be run more along the lines of a starter and one or two expansions- if I need to run more than say, 4 X-wings, I might have to consider skipping the tournament. On a related note, if we're going to want a ton of extra fighters, why include the pilot cards with all of them? Such a waste- if the standard game is going to require a large number of ships, sell the expansions with more fighters so there's less duplication of the cards.

I just noticed that it says, "up to 100 points." So anybody can play, it's just the people with the most cash that will win. preocupado.gif

Conspyre, you make a good point about the waste of cards, but I think it's all about customization. If I can only afford one of every fighter, it's nice to have all of those pilots to choose from. If they included two fighters per expansion, I'd be able to use more of my cards, but the game would quickly move out of my price range.

We actually haven't seen any of the costs yet. We see the "Skill" box on the upper left, which is not where the cost is. Cost of all pieces is on the lower right which in all the pictures I have seen have been very carefully covered. It is on the same line as the equipment slot icons.

Starnite_IV said:

We see the "Skill" box on the upper left, which is not where the cost is. Cost of all pieces is on the lower right which in all the pictures I have seen have been very carefully covered. It is on the same line as the equipment slot icons.

Ah, I am glad you shared your knowledge. Looking at pictures of demo cards from last year's GenCon I can see my mistake. Can't believe I forgot about that. I guess I just need to be patient to find out how squadron construction will all turn out.

Took me a while to figure that out. Mostly when I was going through the pics and doing a spreadsheet for the pilots. I am guessing that 100 points will either net you either 1 expensive ship/2-3 cheap ships or 2 expensive ships/4-5 cheap ships.

Most likely Vader and his 2 cronies will be very close to 100 points. Luke and Biggs are also likely to be around 100 points. These are just guesses though, I could be way off.

Just my 2 credits :)

Just remember to build two squads (one Rebel and one Imperial).

I'm not sure how they're going to run the tourney with only two "factions". It'll be fun to see what turns up. For $4.00 (2 generic tickets; on-site), it's a inexpensive tournament to enter.

SteveSpikes said:

Just remember to build two squads (one Rebel and one Imperial).

the article says either imperial or rebel, and tournament seating ignores player faction. Soo… TIE on TIE action? The round ends in a….

qwertyuiop said:

SteveSpikes said:

Just remember to build two squads (one Rebel and one Imperial).

the article says either imperial or rebel, and tournament seating ignores player faction. Soo… TIE on TIE action? The round ends in a….

Too good! Love that pun!